Saturday, October 17, 2009

Barack Obama goes to the White House in HBO Series

It is hard to understand this miracle will ever happen again. I do not speak of the miracle of having an African American in the White House but rather the total synchronizing of all the positive in the universe coming together in the persons of people working to have Barack Obama elected President of the United States of America. The evil forces will never forgive us as we witness to date.

Judging from the trailer to this HBO series, the producers are the stalwarts of blessed events. (Maybe if I stop crying my head will clear up.)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Read more at:
HBO Series-By The People, The Election of Barack Obama on November 3
by lanae,-The-Election-of-Barack-Obama-on-November-3

Trailer video
P.S. I hope progressive parents Black and white are at least having their children baptized by Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Huffpo going to Neo-con shit?

Obama To Critics: Don't Tell Me I'm Holding The Mop The Wrong Way
I note the photo accompanying the article. I note an earlier article today regarding Pres. Obama with the secondary article referring to what costume to wear on Halloween.

Does Arianna realize whoever produces and places these article are doing exactly what we have criticize Drudge of doing? Manipulating news items? Like my father use to say, “Look down that lonely road before you travel on”. In my opinion, serious, nefarious and subjective prejudices is slowly but surely creeping into the Huffington Post web site. Arianna has a problem!
As always,

“Ms. Allred, your editor is calling on line three.”

"Balloon Boy" ordeal was a hoax
by theone718
Yep you hear it here. It was a hoax. Kid was just on larry King live and let it slip by saying "We did it for the show..." Then you proceed to see his dad fumble and bumble his way into explaining what his son just said. Wow.............just wow. Vid below the fold.
Read more at:

-yes, this is Gloria.
-Remember the great piece you wrote on Michael Jackson not being fit to be a parent and how you wanted to pursue it in court?
-Of course.
-That was when he hung his baby over the balcony in that hotel room in Paris.
-I said, yes I remember.
-What do you think about the “Boy in the balloon” story and how the family has put their children through this traumatic situation? Do you see some family abuse there? Would you be willing to pursue the story from that angle? You and Grace could get together again on this one.
-How dare you! There is a vast difference between what Michael did and what that poor father went through for four hours today! I am not interested!
-But Gloria…

As always,

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Republican Peer Pressure (PP)

“When history calls….history calls” the lady said. When Republicans apply PP to their contemporaries, like many things in life, it must be an acquired taste like enjoying S&M, a good piece of music or eating Russian Caviar. Not so with Sen. Olympia Snowe who *“…made this statement upon being the only Republican on the Senate Finance Committee to vote for health care reform enabling it to pass committee.”

An odd statement indeed to make and especially if you are trying to ignore regurgitating the popular reply, “When duty calls, the youth replies ‘I can’”. But to Ms. Snowe she was making history (Joan de Arc or Norma Desmond, anyone?) and making history she continues. When movies, musicals and perhaps even operas are created memorializing moments leading up to the vote, women will cut off their right arms to be Olympia Snowe while fathers, girl friends, wives and mothers threaten their men not to come back home with the role of Max Baucus saying collectively, “We don’t want that kind of personality no way in this house! Now if you were to come home with the role of Obama….”
As always,
*Olympia Snowe: “When History Calls, History Calls”
“When history calls, history calls,” Snowe said at the committee hearing, but she reiterated her opposition to a government-run insurance option and cautioned that she does not want the bill to get any more expensive as the process moves forward.
Read more at:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gen. McChrystal and Sec. Janet Nepolitano

Over the past day or so I read the U.S. is sending 14,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.

The debate regarding HealthCare Reform has a central issue regarding where the money is coming from for the Reform so likewise, I would like to know where the 14,000 additional troops are coming from to be shipped to Afghanistan plus the 40,000 Gen. McChrystal has requested.

I wonder if there are any concerns from Homeland Security advisor Janet Napolitano? I wonder if she has any concerns she is discussing with the President? With most of our troops on their third and fourth tour of duty between Iraq and Afghanistan, where oh where are the additional troops going to come from? My bottom line is with so many troops already committed to Iraq, Afghanistan and the other 130 or so bases we have around the world, “Who’s watching the store?” Yikes!! Is it me? (Smile)
As always,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

After Obama, a mere mortal?

This may not be the right way to say it and indeed it may not be true but in my opinion Pres. Obama has set the Neo-con agenda back decades.

Further, and in my opinion, the rape and pilfering of America was to continue gradually and most assuredly at a slow, petty and steady pace. The slow, petty pace, I will admit, we were used to but it was the steady pace that Sen. Obama tapped us on our shoulders inviting us to turn around to take a closer look at.

We turned around, we saw, we became alarmed and we voted for the immediate cessation of the entire practice. We voted for Sen. Obama to become Pres. Obama to help us drive this evil practice and its practitioners from our lands. “Our hero!” we shouted. “Long live Obama!” we nervously heralded! And there were a few bestowing “A blessing on your head!”

What happened later and has developed into full scale farce is the live and dynamic “In your face” re-enactment of the Aesop fable, The Fox and the Grapes.
The Fox And The Grapes
ONE hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. “Just the things to quench my thirst,” quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”

With each passing news cycle we witness how the grapes morph into one thing after another with the latest being the President’s Nobel Peace Award wherein the grapes became Laureates. A bright and shiny, juicy and aromatic little cluster of Laureates hanging down just out of reach of the now very embarrassed and exacerbated Fox. With more and more Villagers gathering to see the miracles, the Fox once again turns to them telling them (pleading, really) how sour the grapes are and how they have worsen since last he saw them. To the confusion of the Fox, the Villagers wildly cheer with every remark he makes and when he begins to leave, they cheer again compounding his confusion.

As I see it, the Republicans secretly want to get somebody who can do smart and brilliant things as Pres. Obama has done and can do but they can’t. So what to do?

“I know!” said Dick Cheney. “I know what to do. We’ll just tell the Villagers that Obama has done nothing, nothing you hear, absolutely nothing at all!” “Oh, Daddy Daddy” cries daughter Liz. “You are so smart! Really! I know! We’ll tell them not to believe their lying eyes what Obama is doing! Maybe then we could even get another “W” to run! Oh, Daddy Daddy, how clever of you!” (vigorous wet kiss in the mouth)

Meanwhile and back on the ranch, Year 2016 dances around in the air to tunes of Pan like little Sugar Plumb Fairies in corridors of the White House and Congress with trailing banners bearing the names David Axelrod, Van Jones, Robert Gates and Samantha Power.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Monday, October 12, 2009

GOP want the white male to come back (Update)

Though it happened during the Presidential primaries it still seems like only yesterday Mainstream Media was all aflutter about a white man voting for Barack Obama. Mainstream Media called him out many times insulting him by referring to him as “... an uneducated white male”.

With every poll I heard analyzed, there were, in my opinion, concerted efforts to tell the percentages of white males in that state who voted for Barack Obama. I noted during the time Mainstream Media appeared angry, vulnerable, frustrated and particularly enraged. I noted them most likely having feelings they were losing their most precious voting base; the white male. I noted the painful feelings of abandonment. The “Woe is me” shoulder shaking crying in your beer kind of abandonment. The words “devastated” and “discombobulated” often came to mind.

The GOP apparently also believe what Rev. Jesse Jackson says, “Keep hope alive!” So it is when a white male demonstrates negative attitudes or deeds towards a Black, he becomes an instant celebrity or perhaps a distant star to be monitored.

That person is then vetted for his possible fifteen minutes and paraded before the public as a potential water boy. That’s how Glenn Beck got on the scene. For sure he is currently the GOP’s great white hope! The “Water Boy” extraordinaire to date. They hope to win back the white male voter through his peers like Glenn Beck and Joe The Plumber and they maybe grooming a few more in the wings who will eventually pop up on the scene although I think Joe The Plumber is kind of a disappointment to them. However, I understand the pay is good. I’ll stay tuned.
As always,
(Update added 10/21)
Dominance, Politics, and Physiology: Voters' Testosterone Changes on the Night of the 2008 United States Presidential Election
Excerpt from a lengthy article:
While past studies have shown that men's testosterone levels differentially change in response to winning or losing an interpersonal dominance contest, the present study provides novel evidence showing that vicarious victory and defeat via democratic elections has similar physiological consequences for male voters as do interpersonal dominance contests [5]. Confirming our first hypothesis, we found that men who voted for Barack Obama (winner) had stable post-outcome levels of testosterone, and men who voted for John McCain or Bob Barr (losers) had decrements in their testosterone levels. Moreover, the pattern of testosterone change remained significant even when variance in a multitude of factors was controlled for including voters' political values, support intensity for their candidates, timing of saliva collection, levels of conservatism, consumption of alcohol on the night of the election, and social surroundings on the night of the election. The robust nature of the statistical effect, even when accounting for several potential explanatory factors, strongly implicates a win/loss effect on testosterone change.

Hat tip to diarist golem.
Republican men hormonally emasculated by US election
by golem

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jewish women and Black Labor

i.e., Anita Dunn and Pres. Obama.
In full acknowledgment and appreciation how Jewish women have spoken up for me at the work site when I was either utterly speechless or unable to express my feelings for fears of losing my job, I offer a hearty hand-shake and a hat-tip to Ms. Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director.

The Jewish woman knows how helpless we Blacks are and the pressures we face when we get a job that is considered “uppity”. When an incident arises and no one, I mean no one comes to help you, the Jewish lady will come to your defense and no one will argue with her. Being called “Nigger lover!” means nothing to her.

I have had help from a Jewish woman a few times when I was the only Black male in the school save the custodial staff and perhaps the physical education teacher. I would posit Ms. Dunn did not seek or get anyone’s approval to do the interview with Howie Kurtz on CNN today due to the fact she was fed up with the shit surrounding Pres. Obama getting the Nobel Peace Award. That may have been the straw breaking the camel‘s back.

In my opinion, what Fox News is doing regarding its treatment of President Obama is the reason why Pres. Chavez, Pres. Castro, Pres. Ahmadinejad and acting Honduran Pres. Roberto Micheletti closed down newspapers and television stations in their countries. In the case of Pres. Micheletti closing down portions of the Mainstream Media in his country, the notice read, (Paraphrased) “….to prevent social disorder and protect private property”.

I admit the shot across the bow of The Good Ship Fox News was one heard loud and clear here in America and around the world but it had to be done. The situation with them is going to end in a calamity one way or the other.

Kudos to Ms. Dunn. Now I’ll just sit back and see how many people will be asking for HER job! I always say heroes come on stage at the strangest time.
As always,
P.S. Who do you think is financing and working in all those various workshop with poor Black children in our ghettos? It is not the Jewish female thug!

Anita Dunn: Fox News An Outlet For GOP Propaganda
On Sunday, the strategy was on full display as communications director Anita Dunn gave a lengthy and brutal denunciation of Fox News, calling the cable outlet a vehicle for Republican Party propaganda and an ideological opponent of the president.
Read more at: