Saturday, April 24, 2010

If he’s acting up in school, go sit in his classroom

We were petrified if the teacher said, “I’m going to call your mother!”

In those days it was a big deal if your behavior warranted a teacher threatening to call your Mom. That was before the oligarchy was able to put into law the school could no longer render corporal punishment and you could be arrested if you spanked your child. Your hands were tied!

However, there is not a law to date saying you, as a parent, can not go into the classroom and read a book for one day or several. There is no law that says you can not go into your son’s classroom and not let the teacher feel threatened in any way due to the fact you are reading your book. There is no law that says you cannot smile appropriately and not disturb the learning and teaching environment the teacher has created for the class. There is no law saying upon leaving the classroom you cannot say something positive to the teacher.

There is not a law saying you have to stay in the classroom not going to the library or cafeteria when you think the teacher is loosing the class. This often happens with new and inexperienced teacher close to the ending of the class and you should leave the classroom due to the fact witnessing those dynamics unfold are not the reason for your visit. Your focus is on your son’s behavior and not that of the teacher to which there are evaluating instruments to which you are not privied. If the class is in chaos upon your arrival, don’t go in. You will not be able to continue your reading. The students will only get worse telling you, metaphorically, something is wrong with that class. If you want to waste your time bitching about a teacher, good luck! The man said, “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars.”

There is no law saying you can not observe your son between change of class or with whom he inter-acts.

Finally, afterwords there is no law saying you cannot discuss with your son what you observed during your visit to the classroom in the privacy of your home and, if necessary, making an appointment to speak with his counselor or principal.

There is no law saying your son or grandson will not get your message loud and clear!

And finally, finally, there is no law saying after you asses the situation rolling up your sleeves, turning off his cell phone for a week or two and getting the number changed saying, “We’ve got a lot of work to do, Son!” Wishing luck to myself,
As always,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Villagers allowed in the Treasury Room

In my opinion, as the story line of The Wall Street Fraud advances, Americans will know more about our financial structures then citizens of any other country in the world.

At this time, the fraud is boiling strong bubbles with deceit and intrigue as the main ingredient. There is nothing Americans enjoy more then talking -gossiping- about deceit and intrigue. This is what we were raised on; like Pablum.

This is perhaps the first time we Villagers will see the gates of our Treasury Room flung open wide for all to enter taking a look-see, including the seriously curious and just plain nosy. One could call it Christmas in April, courtesy of the Obama administration.

I note…..
A treasury is any place where the currency or items of high monetary value (rubies, diamonds, etc.) are kept. The term was first used in Classical times to describe the votive buildings erected to house gifts to the gods, such as the Siphnian Treasury in Delphi or many similar buildings erected in Olympia, Greece by competing city-states to impress others during the ancient Olympic Games.
Read more at:

I reference this post….
A Glass Half-Full Won't Douse The Oligarchs' Raging Bonfires
by bobswern
In the United States it will always be easy for regulators to look the other way, even when the ultimate consequences prove to be disastrous. By contrast, cracking down on politically connected banks is difficult for regulators. The banks' executives will call their friends in the administration and Congress to complain about the crazy regulator who is trying to keep them from running their business.
And, you can be sure that the banks will have a story. They pay smart people lots of money to develop those stories. The banks' mouthpieces will make a conscientious regulator look like a crazed vigilante who just doesn't understand modern finance. Just ask Brooksley Born, the head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission who was stopped in her effort to regulate credit default swaps back in 1998.

"The Wall Street banks are the new American oligarchy- a group that gains political power because of its economic power, and then uses that political power for its own benefit……..”
Read more at:

As always,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

TeaBaggers et al., “Sleepers Awake”

J.S. Bach wrote “Sleepers Awake”.

In my opinion, the last two notes of the opening phrase represents the opening of the sleeper’s eyes who saw, *Barack Obama elected 44th president. In the music of Bach, the opened eyes wander around savoring the wonders it sees. I am mindful of "the eye of the beholder" and we have to conclude it is difficult to predict or even determine what a man will or will not see when he opens his eyes.

And so it was on the world stage a confused former Vice President Dick Cheney spoke the loudest at what he felt to be his lying eyes. Beating his chest and crying to the wind, cursing the moving clouds and howling like a female having a difficult child birth, the whole world felt his pain as to what he saw.

And there was **Rick Santali, our modern day Paul Revere who, upon opening his eyes, awakened the TeaBaggers to his “all arms” alert and both Dick Cheney and TeaBaggers stand with anger as follows:

1. Anger over being “awakened”
2. Appearing to be angry Slow Learners
3. Anger over being forced to learn at the hands of a good teacher whom they personally dislike
4. Anger being forced to add 2+2 i.e., facts and reality
5. Anger positive learning could eventually overcome stubborn resistance
6. Anger trying to put a good face on what others are calling -with benevolence and understanding- stupidity and ignorance.

Then comes the most crushing awakening to date, the “bitch slap” if you will, *** “Goldman Sachs Fraud Case” and all I can say to Mr. Cheney and the TeaBaggers is, “Brake a leg!” The stage is yours.

And in reference to Mr. Cheney and the TeaBaggers, the words “thoroughly confused” comes to mind. Thus the awakening stages of maturation, as the inevitability of taxes and death, come to us all. Now the awakened sleepers have to deal with portions of the oligarchy being stripped butt naked before their now, hopefully, un-covered eyes; American pornography at its finest!
As always,


Goldman Sachs' 'Fraud' Explained: How They Pulled Off The Alleged Scheme

P.S. I found this on my web page after publishing my blog:
Incredible how that happened.