Saturday, September 20, 2008

Republicans and my soar butt!

I was willing to keep an open mind regarding the conferences going on now in the congress. However, just reading the heading of this post, “Bush Asking for 700 Billion Bailout” has regurgitated painful memories. I’ve seen this movie before and do not intend watching it again. I will be joining others in calling my representatives asking them to turn off the projector until a later time. But then, what the hell! Dems are going to cave in to the demands of the Republicans anyhow. Damn!
As always,
P.S. I did not even read the entire article.

* Bush Asking For $700 Billion Bailout
WASHINGTON — Struggling to stave off financial catastrophe, the Bush administration on Friday laid out a radical bailout plan with a jawdropping price tag _ a takeover of a half-trillion dollars or more in worthless mortgages and other bad debt held by tottering institutions.

* TOM RAUM and JEANNINE AVERSA | September 19, 2008 11:32 PM EST |

Rep. Robert Wexler

Robert Wexler - One of the best progressives needs your help!
by netgui68
Fri Sep 19, 2008 at 11:00:11 PM PDT
Of course standing up like this tends to make some serious enemies. Congressman Wexler is under serious attack and needs our help...I have chipped in $50 and challenge each of you to seriously consider helping him out. Here is the email he sent to me seeking help. Please read and if you something to help.

Unquestioned support for the Congressman. Check goes out tomorrow with Dkos donation code: $XX.08.
As always,

“Mama, I’m so excited! Barack gave his first speech today in kindergarten.”

It was an end of school program. You know the kind when parents are invited? Well, Barack was chosen to open the ceremony. He said, “Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for coming to our program. Please stand for the flag salute.” And you should have seen him, Mama. Dressed in his short pants and jacket, in his new white shirt and clip on neck tie. Mama, I wish you could have seen him. And he tied his shoes himself. He would not let me do anything to help him dress this morning. He made me stand outside. When he opened the door and came out of his room, I knew then he knew how to take care of himself. I was so proud!
Love always,

And today in particular, some forty something years later at his press conference, the world is proud of Barack. He was brilliant! If there is another word to use, I have not come across it. His thought processes are unlike anything I have seen before on the contemporary political scene. Speaking of thought processes, I am mindful of the young lady pundit on a Chris Matthew Show saying Sen. Obama should “be specific about his specifics”. She immediately appeared ashamed of herself for saying something so foolish. Ah, the things we feel we have to do and say to make mortgage payments.

It is strange how other world leaders endorsing Sen. Obama do not accuse him of lacking specifics. Nor did the State Department when they decided to send a representative to engage in talk with Iran. Nor does the Bush administration talking to Russia and not to mention calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq. These are only a few issues of the reactions to Sen. Obama’s “lack of specifics”. Fun-ny! Question: Should the next President of the United States of America be smart, as smart as you or smarter?

Obama should be the next president of the United States because he is the most qualified change agent. Obama is a little young, but also brilliant. If he sometimes seems brainy and professorial, that's OK. We need the leader of the free world to think things through, carefully. We have seen the sorry results of shooting from the hip.
"Conservative" Seattle Times Endorses Barack Obama for President.
by irishamerican
Fri Sep 19, 2008 at 07:13:48 PM PDT

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If America does not have an enemy, she will create one

Actually, the quote was “If neo-cons do not have an enemy, they will create one”. However, for the sake of this post, using the former quote would better serve my purpose.

The American International Group, Inc., (AIG) and the Feds met up at just the right moments. When owner Hank Greenberg came onto the scene, he made an offer of a special goose he owned and called it, in his own words, "A national treasure", and the Feds could not resist owning it. His asking price for his goose was eighty five billion dollars. Mr. Greenberg gave (sold) to the feds the significant infrastructures of over one hundred thirty countries and jurisdictions employing over 92,000 workers.

In my opinion, the countries beholding to AIG could or can buy out his structure so it would not be beholding to America.

America does not have a good track record even with minuscule holdings of the infrastructure of another country and to think it will be different now is pure folly. Denials on the sterling level of delusions, I say.

There continues to be shock and awe amongst us American citizens harboring meandering thoughts as to why the Feds changed their minds about not involving themselves in the bailing out of companies. Therefore, it is my position the ability and benign structure to advance the New World Order meme via AIG was an offer of owning the goose that lays those special eggs was too good to pass up. Lord help us if AIG is the insurance agent for various unions in some of those one hundred thirty countries and jurisdictions. If America likes to create enemies to keep the military complex going and other reasons, what better vehicle than AIG? A God send! Uh…your move?
As always.
P.S. Do the Feds have to ask Treasury to loan or give them the eighty two billion to pay off Mr. Greenberg? Does the sale have to go thought Congress? I'm trying now to understand what a "point" means. What is something that is "down" say 400 pts?
Inspirational post:
*the party that wrecked America
by Braindead
Wed Sep 17, 2008 at 06:26:01 PM PDT
Despite an intense effort to distance himself from
the way his party has done business in Washington, Senator John McCain is seen by voters as far less likely to bring change to Washington than Senator Barack Obama. Mr. McCain is widely viewed as a "typical Republican" who would continue or expand President Bush’s policies, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.

Hang in there, Galveston. 1b to Georgia may trickle down.

* GALVESTON, Texas (AP) - About 250 people who withstood Hurricane Ike on a coastal sliver of land will be forced off it so crews can begin the recovery effort, authorities said Tuesday, vowing to invoke emergency powers to make it happen.
County Judge Jim Yarbrough, the top elected official in Galveston County, said those who defied warnings that they would be killed if they rode out the storm on the Bolivar Peninsula are a "hardy bunch" and there are some "old timers who aren't going to want to leave."

Don’t get your britches all twisted. There is a possibility some of that money may trickle down courtesy of Sen. McCain and his wife and I don’t think we at FEMA would mind. Just remember Katrina and everything will be alright. Promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. What difference does it make if I am a Republican. Would I lie to you? In your condition??
As always,
*Authorities vow to force holdouts off Texas coast
Email this Story (Thanks Drudge)
Sep 16, 9:52 PM (ET)

A “screw” by any other name…..(Update)

There was much fore-play but in the end, we Americans got screwed again by our Neo-con masters in bailing out American Institute Group, (AIG)

The feds must be on Viagra to be able to do what they do so often and for such sustained periods of time. I note my Social Check is already being taxed at forty percent. That includes paying my share of the bail out of the S&L Crisis of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s with the help of the good Sen. McCain. Now, my check is subjected to paying shares of the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac debacle with the addition of today’s new burden of the AIG bail out.

Six years ago when I first started getting my Social Security Checks, I did not get too comfortable knowing there were a lot of ways my check could shrink to put me into poverty and I had to think shrewdly; avoiding as many potential financial pit falls as I could fore see. I think I have done well but it is the institutional robbers I know will get me in the end. The robbers with the “Governmental stamp of approval” fueled by lobbyist. The ones Sen. Obama knows all to well they are the bad seeds of America. I speak of the shameless crooks, liars, greedy selfish monsters imitating humans.

So it is with this latest “screw”. I note with interest the BS writers all using the phrase “…$95B in exchange for 80% stake in AIG”. In my opinion, a good writer and especially a writer who knows what he is talking about would explain exactly what “80% stake” means. Explaining “80% stake” would tell me the author knows what he is talking about and wants the reader to have a full understanding of what he is saying. However and in my opinion, the absence of that information indicates the author’s knowledge of the situation is no better than my own. A wasted reading.
As always,
“*The New York Times reports (link to their story used by the Houston Chronicle that the Federal Government loaned $85 billion to bail out AIG. In return, the Federal Government now has controlling interest in AIG, an 80% interest according to Australia's ABC The government also has received the right to veto shareholder dividends. AIG will have to sell assets to pay back the loan within two years.”

Hat tip to diarist Yamaneko2 for substantive info. Facilitated 100% improvement of my knowledge of the situation. Now I know why the government had to take over AIG. Could one say our gov. was forced into the socialist mode by Neo-con greed? I wished they had not but hey, ya’ can’t win’em all!
*The Repub Red regime, same as the old Reds? AIG nationalized ($85 billion bailout loan)
by Yamaneko2
Tue Sep 16, 2008 at 11:49:11 PM PDT

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sen. Richard Shelby-R: Country over Party

What Sen. Shelby said on CNBC “Squawk on the Street” should not have been unusual but it was. In today’s world with our two competing political parties, witnessing Sen. Shelby respond to the problems of AIG by saying two things: A “Market should work itself out” and “No company is too big to fail” is patriotism at its finest. Truly a “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” moment.

The interview with Sen. Shelby came shortly after an interview with AIG (American International Group) founder Hank “There was an old man who lived in a shoe” Greenberg who insisted his vast dominions is a national treasure and should be supported. He wants “an interim bridge loan”.

From what I could gather from the interview, Mr. Greenberg is the one asking the government for the 75B to build his bridge and “No” he has not had talks with the CEO who took over his company since his retirement three years ago. Imagine that. Perhaps his present CEO is too busy going crazy taking care of all his children he thinks should be National Treasures. And then again, maybe he does not agree with the good Mr. Greenberg. Stranger things have happened. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. The interview with Mr. Greenberg was very well done. I don’t know nuffin’ about finances in those circles but I do know a good interview when I see one. Kudos.

Lehman Bros. Employees: “I have to go clean out my desk.”

Is there going to be a special day (or night) when Blacks, Asians and dark skinned Latinos employees come to get their stuff? Just asking. I wanna watch. Will they have escorts??
As always,

McCain and his financial neo-cons must be laughing their asses off now.

In my opinion, they can say they have successfully gotten Mainstream Media (MSM), including pundits and commentators to help them raid our treasury, joining them in the knowledge how easy it is to manipulate already educationally challenged people. The bunch of’em have to be hysterical with laughter. The proof was in the pudding and the pudding turned out successfully *The Fed added $50 billion in temporary reserves to the banking system when it arranged overnight repurchase agreements, or repos, at 11:50 a.m., after providing $20 billion earlier. and tasting good. Oh, happy day with all the robbing of the treasury with MSM help and an added bonus of the polls having managed to influence the public the economy has nothing to do with the candidacy of McCain. As a matter of fact, I laugh McCain has moved ahead of Sen. Obama as a result of the robberies and scandals. Stop! You’re killing me! Uncle!! Uncle! (There is no such animal as a conspiracy of one.)

Acceptance speech: At this point, we, the FED, can do anything we want to do regarding regulations and there is nothing the citizens can do about it. Nothing, you hear? We have too many agencies and people in high places for any concerted efforts to go beyond the closest waste basket under a secretary’s desk. The American treasury is ours, at long last and now we can really move to plan “B”; New world order! God bless Israel! OOps, I mean God bless America! I'm confused!!

In the meanwhile, Here I sit. Little BB wondering how you can justify giving 70B to an institution that is saying their problem is complicated. My question is how can you give $70B to an institution who is publicly confessing they themselves do not know what the problem is and if they do not know what the problem is, how do they know $70B is going to solve it? Who is the spokesperson asking for this amount? Sounds like a clear case of Voo Doo economics to me. It will get to the point people no longer have belts to tighten: “Boy, tighten up that rope around your waist. Your pants are falling!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. As soon as somebody calls me telling me they are coming by, I’m gonna ask them to pick me of a copy of National Inquirer so I can read some hard copy un-biased news, void of the white privileged shit. (Smile) And I saw this the other day, “The world is not a business”. Interesting.I am very suspicious of post using a lot of initials not telling you what they stand for. I strongly suspect their post nefarious in nature. In other words, a different agenda from the title even if they are too lazy to explain the initials.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lehman Brother’s “Exceptionally complex” BS!

I get ever so impatient when an expert in his field tells me something that occurred in his field is “complex!” Those guys at Lehman Brothers helped run the economy of the United States of America and now they are telling me the situation is “complex”? It irritates the hell out of me to no end! My question, “If you don’t know what has happened in your field, who the hell is supposed to know?” Are you telling me you did not know what you were doing or are you simply saying you do not want to expose your hand? You know damn well what happened so do not come in my face telling me the situation is “complex!” I don’t buy it and it further shows how stupid you are to think I am so stupid as to believe you.

Quite honestly, I sense your fears of exposing yourself so you can once again do what you did with whatever variations you can muster. You and yours do not want to expose your shell game and a shell game it was. All shell games can be dissected. Kabish?

Tell you what. I have a suggestion for you. Why not flaunt this information as you did the embarrassing bonuses awarded to the CEO‘s and their minions on Wall Street last year? Millions, I recall. You’ll still go to jail but, hey, what do you want from me, already? Yeh, yeh, yeh I know I’m Black and all that but I am not the thief. You are. Kabish? Oh, now I'm a nigger. Well, you're still a thief.

My contention is, right or wrong, that all problems can be reduced to two stories; The Three Little Pigs or Little Red Ridinghood. Now then, pick one of the two stories and I’ll let you try again telling me what happened to Lehman Brothers that culminated in its demise last night at 11:59. Ready? Let’s go. Oh, by the way, you can pull in as many characters as you like. Just don’t make it too “complicated”, eh? Oh, and one more thing. Do you want to hold my hand? No? Well, I just asked you that for security reasons. I don’t want you running to take a flying leap out of that window. You do remember we're on the fourteenth floor, don't you? Well, maybe that is what you do remember. Ok, then. Let’s go. I’ll even start you off. “Once upon a time…”
As always,

Bravo, Zimbabwe!

You did it and you did it with dignity. What has happened in Zimbabwe should be the envy of world leaders everywhere when their internal affairs are threatened by outsiders. I tip my hat to you. Kudos to BBC for running the entire ceremony.
I am mindful of a relationship between the newest OJ Simpson trial and the Fannie Mae hearings a few years back. As it has turned out, the Republican take over of Fannie Mae was the beginning of the end of America’s world-wide financial interests. The hearing were awful and you could smell something was wrong and it was only later after hearing a speech by Pres. Chavez at the UN did I realize I was smelling sulphur. With the “all white jury” in the present OJ trial, this could very well be the beginning of the end of our justice system as we know it. I smell sulphur. To me, this trial is gonna be a big deal!
The early morning tears came listening to Morning Edition this morning on WAMU. Reporter Mort Shapiro followed a lady in Texas as she was trying to purchase a home generator to save the life of her brother who has a physical condition requiring the aid of a generator after the devastation from hurricane Ike. It was awesome! Class!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, September 14, 2008

America, Israel's right to exist, Iran and Bunker Bombs. You figure! (Update)

Sep 14, 2008 17:42 | Updated Sep 15, 2008 0:04
Israel slated to buy 1,000 'bunker-buster' bombs from US
By YAAKOV KATZ (Thanks Drudge)
The notification to Congress was made over the weekend by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the branch of the Pentagon responsible for evaluating foreign military sales. Congress has 30 days to object to the deal.

In its recommendation to Congress, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency wrote that Israel's strategic position was "vital to the United States' interests throughout the Middle East." (Author: I have yet to hear the argument)

During the Second Lebanon War, Israel reportedly received an emergency shipment of bunker-buster missiles from the US to use against underground Hizbullah facilities.
(Author: Why do they now need two instructors?)

“Selling” Bunker Buster bombs to Israel is going to be of great interest to me on several fronts. (Grand-children being one of them)

Selling bombs to a country we already give five billion dollars a years to sounds like complicated book keeping procedures to me. Complicated if the nomenclature defies common sense and common sense tells me you can not “sell” something to a country you are already giving billions of dollars to help it in its very existence. And if that is the fact, you still “sell” them bombs to bomb another country to inevitably drag you into it? Are we talking about idiocy or our Democratic "Impeachment is off the table" Congress? Past experiences has shown us our Congress will approve the sale of the Bunker Buster bombs and our do nothing Democratic Congress will approve the sale with their usual glee and feelings of importance. They will approve anything the Republicans want them to. They can not help Sen. Obama but Lord, let’s help Israel kill those A-rabs. “You go, Israel!” they salute.

Forget debates on the floor regarding the sale due to the fact AIPAC will be watching. Forget advocacy pundits on television. Forget charming spokeswomen Barbara Somebody from the Pentagon or Dr. Rice from the State Department or Robert Gates from the Defense Department keepings us abreast as to what is going on. Look forward instead to a late night, wee morning hours voice approval of the sale. Approval ratings be damned! We gotta support Israel’s right to exist even if it puts our own country in peril. Hell! “Long live Israel!”

Hezbollah has moved its headquarters to Iran. Hezbollah defeated Israel in the recent war with Lebanon. I think Russia is an ally of Iran. Russia has connected with Cuba. Cuba has cousins running Venezuela, Brazil and other Latin American countries. Cute!

Israel used Cluster Bombs in Lebanon and now request two instructors from America to show her how to use Bunker Buster on Iran. Too cute! I liked this article. There is an air of honesty that I appreciate and have noticed more and more reporters getting better in their presentations. Hannity and Limbaugh are slowly but surely becoming relics; that Yen and Yan thing or whatever it’s called. People are talking.
As always,
P.s. Song: "Lets us break bread together."
Yikes! I did not think about the pre-conditioning propaganda for the arms sale.
Get an 'Islamofacist' scare DVD in your paper today?
by highacidity
Sun Sep 14, 2008 at 06:16:25 PM PDT
Further action is needed... I think it would be very fruitful if all you who actually received this dreck in your newspaper would take the time to send off a polite, yet outraged letter to your local newspaper... let them know you don't appreciate receiving neocon propaganda in what has become a veritable American institution, the Sunday paper. That in this time of shrinking readership, this is the last type of thing they should resort to in quest of revenue.

Law suite in Wisconsin

Van Hollen's Lawsuit Will Muck Up Election, Voting Officials Say
Friday 12 September 2008
by: Steven Elbow, The Capital Time
PLAYERS: City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl; Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen; Van Hollen spokesman Kevin St. John; Diane Hermann-Brown, Sun Prairie city clerk and un-named Judge.

PLOT: To verify write-in voter roll since 2006 in two and one half weeks.

Props: Exhibit “A” 3,612 registrations

MY OPINION: A person in a position as Attorney General Van Hollen can not pull off what is considered a voter fraud by himself. If indeed it is a crime, a crime on that level need good guys and bad guys working together. It needs one trying to advance the cause and the other being the foot dragger. It needs one pretending he is swimming in shark infested waters and the other playing the part of the shark. It is a political game. Many political games I admit are deadly but this is not one of them. They are slowly getting there but not yet.

This is the point in the plot where pure deceit, money and the citizen’s pots and pans brigade enter with or without the community organizers singing their National Anthem. This is one of the techniques used by America’s puppet states to chase us out. However and in this case, there is a law, legal president or Constitutional statue to stop this shenanigans cold in its track. Find it! Citizen dissatisfaction has no equal in its energies and persistence.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Call Castro, Morales, Chavez or Putin. They’ll tell you how they would deal with it. They have dealt with this sort of thing longer and more intensely than we have.