Thursday, December 16, 2010

“Who are ‘they’ talking to?” (Update)

This question posted by Dkos diarist Im nonpartisan snatched and frames a question I am sure I have pondered at one time or another never thinking to write about it until now.

In my opinion, ‘they’ are targeting the mal-adjusted youth and emotionally un-stable adult. All others are eavesdropping in on their conversations. In a democratic society, ‘they’ have a right to cater to whatever element they like and our U.S. Constitution backs them up.

However, on the other hand and from another point of view….(sort of)

In my opinion, ‘they’ are persons armed with deliberate efforts to convince the rest of us we are out of step with our culture. There are times when their aggressive arm twisting to get their points across yields nauseous outcomes from people not prone to their way of thinking. Diabolically, success for them is getting one mal-adjusted youth or emotionally un-stable adult to act upon things they say.

And at that time, all is well within their culture. They feel vindicated. Their very contracts are written and their coffers swell with such anticipated outcomes. The more creative and odious the outcome of their propaganda, the better.

However, the ‘mission’ does not stop there. No, no, no by my chiny, chin chin! There are others in the set-up, if you will. There has to be another person whom other segments of the society trust i.e., certain TV personalities whose job it is to perpetuate the ‘mission’. Therein lie the key to its success and speaking of success, many of us smile as we come to full realization there are, after all, such things as evil witches and warlocks and their knaves who can live within a society. They are no longer relegated to, “Once upon a time….” We smile because we know the ending to those age old stories.

As always,

Who are "they" talking to?

by Im nonpartisan
The GOP/Conservative/Talk Radio meme these days lately has been about the lazy unemployed American absorbing every free benefit, welfare payment, food stamp, free meal, and charity gift basket they can score before they reluctantly decide to go back to the plentiful jobs that are certainly out there waiting for them, begging for them, once they get off their fat butts and turn off the TV.

Help me out here, who do "they think they are talking to?
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Don't Let the NAB Strangle Local Radio
by Timothy Karr
Community radio station advocates have fought for 10 years to free up unused spaces on the FM dial for new, local and independent radio stations. Today, Congress is on the cusp of sending the Local Community Radio Act to the president. If signed, this bill would clear the way for hundreds, if not thousands, of new FM (known as LPFM) stations in cities and towns nationwide.

But one of the most powerful lobbying forces in Washington, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), is standing in the way.
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