Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Obama stole Boehners’ thunder!

Oh, yes he did and that is the reason Boehner did not show up at the signing of the Bush Tax Cut Bill.

Boehner was sulking. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way” he laments wiping away tears, “It wasn’t supposed to end like this”. (Boo-hoo)

Rep. Boehner calculated the President staying ‘Stuck on stupid’ depending on Democrats to advance his agenda. It is said the President wanted to bring up the Bush Tax Cut Bill long ago but his advisers advised against it. It should be no wonder he went to the Republicans to get one of his principle campaign promises passed. By soliciting their help, he had to compromise a few things and that compromise placed a halo above his head.

-Oh, sweetheart, what a beautiful halo! Now that's the guy I married.
-Thanks, baby, and it's big enough for the both of us.

And poor John Boehner. He sense a harbinger of things to come. After waiting sooo long and working sooo hard to be Speaker of the House can now see the handwriting on the wall through his streaming tears: Obama ranks as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of our country.

If I were a Constitutional Scholar and President of America and organized my thoughts as to how the Democratic Party has done mean things to the Black community, and if I reflected on how the party was not even willing to save the dignity of one of their oldest and esteem colleagues, Rep. Charlie Rangel, I would also tell them all to go to hell!

When you have crappy friends, you have little choice but to try making friends with your enemies. Man seeks pleasure, not pain. (Trumpets sound) Obama is duh man, ya'll! He done woke up!

As always,


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