Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rep. John Boehner and Freedom Tears

The fact is soon to be Speaker of the House John Boehner cries a lot. In a recent interview with NBC correspondent Diane Sawyers, Mr. Boehner, accompanied by his wife, evidenced some personal and emotional moments to us villagers and to the world. It is my understanding it has happened before.

In my opinion, anyone crying anywhere and for whatever reason has my attention and respect for allowing a normal bodily function to manifest itself. While motivations maybe of concern to some, my primary concerns would be centered around listening for opportunities to help ease the pain, if at all possible. That’s the kind of guy I am.

And so it is, I envision one of the most intriguing political scenarios of modern times occurring with complex conversations going on between a Black President and a (no harm intended) crybaby who also has (seriously, no harm intended) an orange identity crisis.

As always,
P.S. Rep. Boehner, as Speaker of the House, would be second in succession to the Presidency.

Why Republicans Get to Cry
By Kathleen Reardon
Read more at:


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