Friday, December 17, 2010

U.S. Congresspersons: All American Educated

If we get disgusted and impatient with decisions our Congresspersons make, perhaps a reality check on their educational background would temper our feelings.

It is common knowledge the American educational system does not rank very high on the world stage. There is data available regarding the educational ranking of the state a Congressman comes from, the number of high school graduates, the number of persons attending and graduating from college etc.,

I am mindful reading a short while back that on all levels of our associations with China, our Chinese counterpart is the better educated. The article or post (can’t remember which) went on to describe how we, at high level meetings, struggle to keep up with the highly informed Chinese.

In other words, the Chinese know what they are doing. It was not a comforting article to read but hey, the reality of the situation was recorded. And to add insult to injury, most of them also speak fluent English at the meetings and I can imagine this being a point of amusement to them.

The other day I heard, while watching the Wikileaks tape, the actual dialog from U.S.soldiers in Afghanistan killing U.S.reporters and also murdering members of an Afghanistan family who stopped their van to take the victims for medical treatment. In my opinion, the entire dialog and resulting deaths were based on total ignorance, or to be more specific, a lack of meaningful education. How can they therefore be punished?

At this particular time, Congress is all aflutter about passing bills due to the fact disciplines of having a world class education is not in their backgrounds. Most of all, it appears organizational skills and foresight were lacking to say nothing of the mumble/jumble in the bills themselves. They spend too much time working on ‘a strategy’ instead of using sound, pedantic educational principals.

The man said, “What you see is what you get” and Don King would respond, “Only in America”. I continue to believe we are doing our best under the circumstances. Where is Michelle Rhee when you need her? Cheers!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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