Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Obama chickens amble home to roost

As always,

The Dying Art of Political Explanation
David Bromwich

How wrong is the criticism that says President Obama prefers to explain his policies from a great height or to answer requests for assurance from humble citizens and TV hosts? A middle layer of explanation has certainly been lacking from the start: the effort of persuasion that is neither inspirational nor tactical, where a leader tries to convert people to his side. This is the level at which one must articulate the reasons for a policy, along with the understanding of the public good from which the policy has issued and the historical context that makes it necessary and desirable.

President Obama continues to think himself a victim of circumstance; and whether the Republicans win a small or a large victory in November, he expects they will come into the next congress more willing to deal with him than ever before.


Obama's policies are politically driven. They are crafted by the same overpaid losers that kept the Democratic on the back bench for decade when all they had to do was stand up to the most reviled president in living memory.
Explaining that you've put the nation's healthcare in the hands of profiteering CEOs because you are relying on them to fill your campaign coffers doesn't play well. Explaining that you expanded our military operations in the Middle East because you thought it would keep the Democrats in power for ever and fill their war chests with money from people that cheating both taxpayers and our military doesn't play well.
Explaining to voters that they thought we were too dumb to notice isn't a going win any elections.
They decided on the blame game. They blame the Republicans for what the Democrats could have done but failed to do. They blame voters for not being "enthusiastic".
But we did notice. They have less than three weeks to prove to us that they are worth re-electing.
Closing tax loopholes and a Social Security increase are good start.
They could make Elizabeth Warren's job secure, stop banks from stealing homes and craft a Mainstreet bailout that includes a jobs program aimed at building a green economy.
Obama could kick oily Ken Salazar out and continue the ban on deep water drilling.
People would hear that message loud and clear.
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