Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ken Cuccinelli: From villain to conquering hero

Mr. Cuccinelli was on C-Span ‘Washington Journal’ this morning. He is the Attorney General of Virginia who has been widely boo-ed for announcing his intensions to challenge the Obama Health Care bill as un-constitutional and this morning, in little more than half an hour, he decimated the Health Care bill. Tore it up! Torched it and exposed un-imaginable incompetence from our elected law makers.

Mr. Cuccinelli did not use fowl or ambiguous language. He did not come off cocky or with pompous arrogance. Rather, he came off as a sincere person assured of himself and his beliefs and was more than willing to share all three with the C-Span audience.

Regarding the Health Care bill, it is now my understanding the Federal Government can not make us citizens buy health insurance and penalize us if we do not. If the founding fathers of the Health Care bill would have embraced a Medicare model for all its citizens, implied Mr. Cuccinelli, all would have been well. However, the bill is a house of cards as it now stands.

I learned from Mr. Cuccinelli if one portion of the twenty one hundred page bill were to be altered, the whole structure would collapse.

It would collapse due to the fact money garnered from the mandatory insurance and fines for not having health insurance would be the capital driving other sections of the bill i.e., offspring on their parents’ policy until age twenty six, insurance companies having to insure everybody regardless of ailments and the added bonus of having no one dropped from a health program under any circumstances.

In other words, if the un-constitutional mandate requiring everybody to carry health insurance were not in the bill, there would be no goodies in the bill and by extension, no bill at all. This is the reason Mr. Cuccinelli says the whole bill has to be declared un-constitutional, guttered and started anew.

God bless C-Cpan,
As always,


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