Thursday, September 16, 2010

Obama and Warren: Two peas in a pod

Obama has found his political cell mate….
In my opinion, tapping Elizabeth Warren to nurse the baby she birthed is only fit and proper and apparently the President agrees. It is civilize, if you will.

By allowing Ms. Warren to head the newly created Consumer Protection Agency she envisioned is the single most triumphal move the President has made during his tenure to date and feedback from the Oligarchy is going to be nothing short of vile. I suspect feedback from his base will be overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. Europe has to be aesthetic!

It is noted Ms. Warren will be an advisor to the President and there is a plus with her coming from a teaching background as does the President. I do not know how much power Ms. Warren will have in her position but I do not think one needs very much when having the ear of the President.

The President is already being called Hitler and it would be no surprise to me if he and Ms. Warren are called Adolf and Eva at which time they could call, ‘Checkmate!’ due to the fact civility will have completely vanished from the American scene.

America is in the middle of a serious turf war and like the witch Evillene in the musical The Wiz vigorously pronounced, “War is hell!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Elizabeth Warren Named Special Advisor
by RhodaA
And, it was Elizabeth Warren who conceived of, proposed and advocated for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created under the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul bill. Its aim is to protect borrowers from abuses in mortgages, credit cards and other consumer loans. It will be housed in the Federal Reserve, but will have dedicated funding and autonomy to write and enforce its own rules. The bureau will help change the way financial products are sold and make it easier for those who are cheated to get compensation. In the video, Warren speaks clearly about the need for this bureau.
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