Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are Neocons trying to put a pox on Christine O’Donnell's house?

With Irish born Ms. O’Donnell winning the Delaware primaries last night, it appears all hell has broken lose in the Neocon community! In my opinion, it is the same hell akin to the situation when “W” tapped Harriet Miers to be a candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court with opposing torch and pitch fork barriers Carl Rove, Charles Krauthammer and Bill Crystal.

I am mindful this group went ballistic when Lisa Mukowski lost her primary bid in Alaska. It’s not hard to figure out what is going on. The TeaParty said they want their country back and I vehemently disagree they were saying they want it back from Blacks and in my own way, I am getting confirmations that is exactly what they are not saying.

I note head Honcho ‘ADL’ and New York wannabe Governor Carl Paladino on the Ricks’ List Show today not wanting Muslins anywhere in New York City with their own inclusive Neocon paranoia and fears. In my opinion, it is not the America public having problems with the TeaParty movement but most notably, it is the Neocon community trying to make it our problem.

I challenge myself to conclude the Neocon community is waging Mafia style turf wars here in America and it is at its zenith with Pres. Obama and a small portion of his administration.

I strongly suspect the curtains are slowly but sure being drawn exposing American Neocon puppeteers to no ones’ surprise. I do remember the tell all song they put out a few months ago, “We own the world!” I too have a song, “I can see clearly now!”

Fighting for the dignity of my
God bless Gill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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