Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thoughts on a Saturday afternoon

Innovative divisiveness: 10.2.10 Vs. 10.30.10

Which one is not like the other:

One designed to address a struggle for power and the other wielding power.

One born of a dire contemporary social need and the other a well calculated “Last laugh!” agenda.

One designed to maintain whatever civility there is left in America and the other to say, “FU!”

One promises serious agenda proposals and the other promises endless fun and frolic; A laugh a minute, so to speak. A Laugh-in.

One may announce a surprise celebrity (Turd Blossom?) and the other with an up-front committed speaker, Ed. Schultz.

One has deep pockets promoting its event and the other one thread-bare.

One celebrating hopes of a new dawn and the other a prelude to Halloween night.

The contrast of usurping an event could not be more clearly stated and intimidating.

(Do I see ‘Citizens United’ over there hiding in the wings?) Enough said.
Chile loves her people

I continue to be impressed when there was a coal mine collapse in Chile trapping 33 miners, within hours the government was executing Plan A for their rescue and revealed they also had Plan B and C on hand.

How the Chilean government has prevented western media from sniffing out and exploiting their tragedy has to be a highly classified secret. In my opinion, the government in preventing media exploitation is as miraculous as the well being of the miners after all these days!

When the miners sang their National Anthem, they knew their country loved them and had no fears whatsoever of dying because they knew they would be rescued. As a citizen of Chile, it must be a comfort singing the National Anthem and afterwards humming the song, “It’s so nice loving somebody and somebody loves you back!”
As always,

Drill reaches trapped men in Chile mine
They were trapped when the main access tunnel to the San Jose copper and gold mine near Copiapo collapsed.

The men were found to be alive 12 days after the collapse and relatives have since set up Camp Hope at the pithead
Read more at:


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