Thursday, June 03, 2010

Israels’ world and the other one

This is how I see it through the words of James Baldwin, “Notes For A Hypothetical Novel”.
…or, let us say, which is even a better example, that I have a friend who has just murdered his mother and put her in the closet and I know it, but we’re not going to talk about it. Now this means every shortly since, after all, I know the corpse is in the closet, and he knows I know it, and we’re sitting around having a few drinks and trying to be buddy-buddy together, that very shortly, we can’t talk about anything because we can’t talk about that.”

In my opinion, trying to talk to Israel about certain things inevitably reaches the point of terminating a friendship, as cited by Baldwin in his hypothetical novel.

It is a lose-lose situation and one you know, against all human odds, will not sustain itself. You are entirely helpless trying to save your friendship.

Also in my opinion, Israel and her pro-Israel supporters have alienated themselves from the world by not facing up to having clear discussions grounded in reality. They have managed to gain considerable power and go to dangerous physical and mental extremes with efforts to isolate themselves from reality and it is very sad.

As a group of people, they have much to offer and I think there are many with good minds, like *Glenn Greenwald, who step up confronting them regarding their realities but to no avail. Each time it is done, sadness takes over the wheel; "No dead mother in closet conversations, please".

As always,

* Talking about Israel with Eliot Spitzer on MSNBC
By Glenn Greenwald
I was just on MSNBC talking about Israel, the Gaza blockade and the flotilla attack with Eliot Spitzer, who was guest-hosting for Dylan Ratigan.  It was a rather contentious discussion, though quite illustrative of how Israel is (and is not) typically discussed on American television, so I'm posting the whole 8-minute segment below.
Read more at:


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