Monday, May 31, 2010

When polls decry, “Neck’n neck!”.

This is how I think a voting campaign could possibly end up being neck’n neck:

- In a five family member home, three of the children voted with their Mom and two voted with their Dad.

- The neighbor to your left voted for Halter and your neighbor to your right voted for Lincoln.

- You voted for Lincoln and your spiritual leader, your closest frat brother or your closest sorority sister voted for Halter.

-Every other Union Member voted for Halter or Lincoln.

I therefore conclude having a “Neck’n neck” political race is heap big bull shit! Has anyone seriously double-checked those pollsters’ data? Is it possible to do so?

However, and to be on the safe side, I will be making another contribution to the Bill Halter campaign.

I do not know why pollsters always do this to us. They always bring us “Neck’n neck” results when we are monitoring exciting races. This is the reason I enjoyed the final results of the Sestak/Specter race so much. There was no ambiguity in the results! No mis-understanding of the voters’ intentions. No wiggle-room for arguments!

I tried to Google the results of the Sestak/Specter primary race to be accurate in this posting but could not find it. I think the final results were something like 59 to 36 in favor of Sestak.
As always,
P.S. In reference to “Don’t ask, don’t tell”, I am confused about this open gay stuff. I wonder does “…being openly gay” mean soldiers would be on the battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan wearing pink boas flung around their necks with full open throats and flapping uvulas calling everybody “Dah-ling” qualify as being openly gay? Is that what the Pentagon is afraid of? I does not understand!

*Help Bill Halter - Arkansas Final Push
by globalcitizenlinda
The runoff election is just a few days away. According to the most recent Research/Daiykos poll, Lt Gov Bill Halter is 3 % points ahead of Sen Blanche Lincoln.
For the Democratic Party runoff: Bill Halter (47%) versus Blache Lincoln (44%)
Read more at:


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