Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Rubber? Meet Road! Netanyahu and Obama

If ever there were to be a show-down, throw-down or “How now, brown cow?” regarding the Israeli/Palestinian situation, it is now!

“The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is fueling the Iraqi/Afghanistan wars” is how I heard one member from the military put it. If that is indeed a valid statement, there is much work to be done regarding the dilemma.

Pres. Obama said that he does not like to look back and many of us are forced to live with his ideology with the hope he was implying he only likes dealing in the present.

If the President means the present as being “Now!”, here is his chance to live up to his ideology. Various sanctions are soon to be placed upon Israel due to their conduct on May, 30th. I cherish the thought authorizing the placement of the sanctions would be “Now!” enough for the President.

I am mindful of the old Negro spiritual, “Brighten the corner where you are”.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

USA Vetoes United Nation Resolution
by innereye
This is the 73rd use of the veto in the United Nations by the USA since 1945. The vast majority of USA vetos were cast in support of Israel and South Africa during the apartheid era, and defending USA actions in Central America. Most of the vetos violate the spirit of United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions, and other documents describing basic human rights and humanitarian standards. In December the USA vetoes a United Nations Security Council Resolution condemning Israel for acts of terror against civilians in the occupied territories.

1995 - The USA vetoes a United Nations resolution confirming that the expropriation of land by Israel in East Jerusalem is invalid and in violation of United Nations resolutions and the Geneva Convention.
1997 - The USA votes against two United Nations resolutions that call on Israel to cease construction of settlements in East Jerusalem and the other occupied territories. One of the votes was by 130 to 2 (USA and Israel).

Read more at:

About That Gaza Blockade... [Updated]
by lao hong han


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