Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sen. Harry Reid (also) shuns President

After hearing many discussions regarding the book “Confidence Men” by Ron Suskind, it has become common knowledge members of the Presidents’ own party do not give a rats’ ass about him.

How ridiculous it makes the President look screaming “Pass the jobs’ bill!” at the top of his lungs while little weasel Harry Reid is hiding in the Senate cloakroom doubled-up with the bill tightly clutched to his chest, refusing to bring it onto the Senate floor.

Sen. Reid is also tightly clutching HR 2587. This is the bill passed last month by the House regarding the National Labor Relations Board and the Boeing plant moving to South Carolina.

Good ol’ Harry has to be well on his way to becoming a very wealthy man at the expense of the President and the American people. (It’s that money trail thing)

Mr. Reid has strange concepts regarding the democratic process and, in my opinion, makes the actions of *Benedict Arnold appear benign.
As always,

P.S. It is my understanding there are certain bills that can only be created and passed in the House and forwarded to the Senate and conversely there are certain bills that can only be created and passed by the Senate and forwarded to the House for passing. A little look into the Congress bag of tricks I learned this morning.

*Benedict Arnold
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