Monday, January 10, 2011


For many years, just on the spur of the moment one family member would say, “I think it’s time for some crabs” and the date was set for the week-end ritual to begin.

It was a simple ritual no more complicated then one or two of us going down to the wharf in D.C., going to one or two vendors pricing a bushel of crabs, purchasing a bushel and returning home getting adulations befitting a conquering hero as we would tell the story of getting the best deal and price we could for the bushel of crabs.

-The traffic wasn’t bad. All of the stalls were open. One man wanted $80 buck. We just moved on. Yes, these are all large males. Look at’em.

As the rest of my small family would arrive, we would repeat our story as we arranged ourselves around the square table on my small screened-in back porch and begin eating crabs with nothing more than beer and sodas. Once or twice I would buy potato chips but they were rarely eaten.

The music was usually quite due to the fact I have a thing about playing music that could distract from conversations. And so it was, young and old eating crabs on a single day on a week-end. Rarely were there enough crabs for anyone to take home.

Last week, I invited a friend over for crabs and none were available. I purchased shrimps and four lobster tails. A few days later, I did not know what was going on. I was itching everywhere! I ran to the net and found an extremely well written and comforting(?) article describing my agony to a ‘t’:
Living with Urticaria: Testimonial on Chronic Hives
By D. Garrett, Yahoo! Contributor Network
About three years ago, I developed what is commonly known as chronic hives (urticaria). Chronic hives are defined as hives that persist for longer than six weeks, and at that point, they may last anywhere from a few
months to several years. Each individual is different. I freaked out when i started to get them because I didn't know what they were, and once I figured out that they were chronic hives, I still had a lot of trouble finding detailed information online. Was there something wrong with me? Does this mean I have a weak immune system? Does this mean I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life? That thought was too much to bear. I needed to figure how to manage it and find out if there is anything out there that may make them go away.
Read more at:

Last night I ate a lobster tail I had put in the freezer. After taking Benedryl pills yesterday, my hives had gone away and I was just testing the waters, so to speak. My mother always told us not to temp the Devil. I did and I am suffering the consequences this morning. I am itching like hell even after taking the Benedryl. Hope things will get better during the day.

At this time, I am wondering how really devastating the Gulf Oil Spill was to our food chain and especially to our shell-fish. I wonder as I wander….and itch!

As always,
P.S. The Benedryl is working. My itch has stopped. It works fast! God bless Benedryl!!


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