Tuesday, January 11, 2011

America and her ‘lying eyes’ syndrome

The phrase, "Don't believe your lying eyes" was created and took front and center stage at the trial of Rodney King wherein L.A. policemen, who even when caught on tape clearly trying to beat him to death, were all acquitted.

I note with interest how the American oligarchy tells us when to put on our ‘thinking caps’ and when not to do so.

In a campus classroom....
And so it was most recently after hearing of the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, almost everybody in the classroom frantically reaching into their book-bags to find and put on their thinking caps. It was the teacher ordering them to put them back into their book-bags that puzzled them.

The teacher went on to tell the students nobody but a crazy kook named Jared Loughner who, by his lonesome, was responsible for the assassination attempt on the life of Ms. Gifford. The teacher went on telling the class how they missed certain clues and knowledge they should have picked up from watching television. The class was told they should not in any way have concluded the good Sara Palin or talk radio and TV pundits had anything to do with providing the toxic atmosphere that motivated that kooks' attempt to assassinate that poor woman. “He is a loner! A crazy, mixed-up kid. A crack head!” she wailed, almost to tears, pleading with them to understand.

Some students would later swear seeing visions of colorful Sugar Plum Fairies flying around the room resembling Sara Palin, Michael Savage and Bill Kristol. One student said she also saw Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh hovering above her. She said she was fearful Rush would fall and hurt himself and her.

On and on the impromptu lesson went with the teacher shaming the students for pulling out their thinking caps at a time like this. “This was not the time!” she said. “When are you all going to grow up?” she chided. The teacher even went into areas of the students trying to use 'fallible' common sense against hard facts as presented by the media. “And if you want to blame anybody, anybody at all” the teacher concluded, “it should be those wretched TeaBaggers who want to take this country back (from the Blacks, mind you)!”

As the students were leaving the classroom going to their cars and dorms, they were seen slowly reaching once again into their book bags donning their thinking caps. Who won? The question was clearly Common Sense Vs. Mainstream Media. Computers on and around that small American campus were busy all through the night. Very busy.

As always,
P.S. As per the Rodney King case, the media and many of its minions still have problems with Joe Six Pack believing what they consider ‘his lying eyes’.


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