Sunday, January 09, 2011

America, half full or half empty?

In my world, these are my essential determinants:

1. Nancy Pelosi, “Impeachment is off the table”.

2. Pres. Obama, “We must look forward, not backwards”.

3. Rep. Joe Wilson to Pres. Obama, “You lie!” (No meaningful repercussions)

4. Theresa arrested in House Gallery: Politico reports the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed "Except Obama, except Obama. Help us Jesus." An officer removed her from the gallery as she yelled out "My name is Theresa." (No meaningful repercussions to date Re: Eric Holder)

5. Anna Nicole Smith: Judge over ruled verdict of jury holding Howard K. Stern criminally responsible for attributing to her death.

6. Gabrielle Giffords and others shot in Arizona by Jared Louthner. (No investigation of associations with terrorist group to date re: Eric Holder)

7. John Von Brunn murderer at Holocaust Museum (No investigation of associations with a terrorist group re: Eric Holder)

8.Wilileaks papers. Creator Julian Assange to be charge with spying. (World wide search. All members of group to be charged as accomplice re: Eric Holder)

9. Bank robbers in high places steal our treasury. (No arrests re: Eric Holder)

10. Two Black sisters in jail for life for stealing $11.00, two white girls name ‘Bobby Robbers’ rob a bank and reprimanded.

In writing this post, I had no idea of writing things relating to the law but now that I have, it appears our government, and in particular the Department of Justice, is not doing its job. Members of our society now feel free to do and say anything they like with no predictable and surely no consistent outcomes. This confuses people. Is there not an instrument called ‘The law?’ Was there ever one? Sad.

As always,

From Daily Kos diarist econlibVA
It is up to us to restore civil society in the United States. I listened to Keith Olbermann's Special Comment just now, and it is a masterpiece. Please listen to it if you have not already. Violence and intimidation have no place in our politics. The blood of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the six murdered Americans, and the other wounded, is on the hands of all those sick right-wing extremists like Sharron Angle who suggest that "Second Amendment remedies" and the like might be necessary to take care of their political enemies - us. Gabrielle Giffords warned against the angry rhetoric and imagery of Sarah Palin and the like. She was right...too right.

We need to make sure that all of those who try to use intimidation and violence are shunned and driven from our civil discourse. I suggest that we start by boycotting all of the sponsors of those extremist right-wing radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage. Their hatred is unacceptable, and we must stand together, today, to drive it from our society.
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