Saturday, October 16, 2010

A successful media story

I’ve never said I could not be cynical; distrustful of human nature and motives. However, I must confess on some specific media stories, I am indeed cynical.

I am cynical about media driven stories that, in my opinion, make deliberate efforts to flush out the troubled amongst us. I suspect such a case involving the latest flavor of today which is bullying. Bullying is slowing mushrooming into a cottage industry artfully fanned by the media.

Another hot issue the media is presently successfully fanning is gay suicide and gay bashing.The media must have a separate account for reporters who seek out, write and push stories regarding gay suicides and gay bashing. I would not be a bit surprised if those reporters get lucrative bonuses or perhaps extended vacation time.

In recent memory, it was the media teaching/demonstrating the practice of water boarding that did not catch on as much as they would have liked. A reporter or two did not get the high-fives for their story not catching on. The media can not say it did not try.

I’ve never said I could not be cynical……
America and ‘built-in obsolescence’
I remember almost to the day when I first heard that phrase. It was many years ago when the Toyota car first hit American markets. The guys who worked on automobiles in back of their houses in the alley saw their businesses dwindling due to the fact they discovered automotive parts in the Toyota car far outlasted that same part in American cars. For their businesses, it was the handwriting on the wall. They examined the Toyota car as guys now do Ipods.

That bit of nostalgia leads me to a time when Australia refused to buy our beef and we retaliated by not buying their lamb. It was years before I could get any Australian lamb. At issue was the Australians objecting to us feeding hormones to our stock.

Now that bit of nostalgia pushes my memory even further…..
Empty boxcars to China
It was on television I saw a documentary showing long processions of fully loaded boxcars from China being loaded onto waterfront docks. It was a marvel to see how much stuff we get from China.

It was almost in the next scene the documentary showed piles of those now empty boxcars haphazardly stacked one upon the other in some desolate place as the announcer told us those boxcars were to contain American goods going to China. It was a marvel to see...
I am still vaiting…
Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Ms. Donna Edwards, true or false. Did you or did you not say you vere going to present legislation to deal vith Citizens United Vs. FEC? Just tell me, is that true or false? You’re squirming, I see. Are the ropes too tight? Are the lights too hot on you? They are blinding you, you say? Here, let me turn them down and you vill answer der question, yes?

As always,


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