Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christine O’Donnell and Chris Coons

Christine and Chris had a debate last night for the Delaware Senate seat vacated by Vice Pres. Joe Biden.

In my opinion, Ms. O’Donnell did well on most of her answers and on others, my thoughts drifted into thinking maturation will take care of that issue with her. In other words, I do not feel Ms. O’Donnell has rigid ‘I shall not be moved’ opinions and answers.

I smiled several times as to her depth of knowledge on some issues and that she was re-gurgitating them ala Wikipedia.

If I were to say anything in the form of criticizing, I would suggest Ms. O’Donnell work on refraining from interrupting people as they speak. In my opinion, what is youthful exuberance on her part could be interpreted as hyper activity. I feel when you interrupt people in a formal setting while they are speaking, you in effect are saying, “(Pow!) Shut up! I can say that better than you can!” or “(Pow!) Shut up! What you are saying ain’t shit!”

I continue to appreciate the new vs. establishment and wish Ms. O’Donnell well. It would be a delight seeing her seated in the U.S. Senate learning and changing her mind as other Senators present new information.

Ah, youth! I remember it well!

As always,
P.S. Finally, I enjoyed the two different voice qualities (timbre) of the speakers and further suggest Ms. O’Donnell not flow into a duet with Mr. Coons. (Smile)


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