Sunday, October 10, 2010

Foreign money effecting our American elections (Update)

This morning on C-Span Washington Journal, I saw a film clip of Pres. Obama talking about, “…groups taking foreign money” to influence our elections. I have also heard the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a group headed by Karl Rove is also taking money from foreign countries to influence our elections. We are told the contributors can not be identified until after elections to which I say, ‘BS!’

The prolong anonymity places certain countries in suspect. The simple question is ‘what country or countries want our country to once again be controlled by Republicans?’ Would one or more of the countries be Haiti, Finland, Israel, Egypt, China or India?

In my opinion, if the press and the President go as far as alerting us of confirmed cases wherein foreign entities are making efforts to influence our elections, we, as well as the people of those countries, should know who it is. This is not brain surgery. It is good common sense and would demonstrate the spot-on transparency we were promised unless, of course, the information is supposed to be received and internalized as another (ahem) suspicious and always timely Bin Laden tape.
As always,
P.S. I repeat,what foreign country would so approve the conduct of Karl Rove that it would send money to him to influence our elections?

(Update) DNC Makes Major Ad Buy Accusing Chamber Of Potentially 'Stealing' Election
Sam Stein
The committee is airing a spot on national cable this coming week that turns an already harsh spotlight on the roles being played by former Bush strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie in addition to the Chamber of Commerce. Pivoting off reports that the business lobby has used foreign donations for its campaign activities, the spot ends with fairly conspicuous if not ominous shot of Chinese currency being stacked up -- ostensibly for use against Democratic candidates.
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