Sunday, September 26, 2010

O’Donnell, Angle and Greene

(Voice) Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle and Alvin Greene, your time has come. Please step forward to take your seats in the U.S. Senate.

It may have been wonderful having taught all Gifted and Talented students during my forty year teaching career. To have taught students teachers and administrators identified as bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and smart would have been a dream job but that did not happen. Not to me. Not as a Music Teacher in predominately middle-schools.

Instead, in my music classes, I had average students to whom I would give each and every one a chance to be bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and smart. A chance to be a soloist or a performer in a musical, if you will.

I saw many a student morph from ugly duckling to beautiful Black or white swan when given the opportunity. Of course there were disappointments along the way for one reason or other but I was proud, along with the rest of the class, having given all student the chance to strut their stuff and especially after having demonstrated a desire.

From my background, I see the names O’Donnell, Angle and Greene not as the name of a law firm but rather as potential and individual swans, beautiful swans. Call it a teachers’ intuition or whatever you will. In any case, I wish them well. Their presence in the U.S. Senate would indeed be ‘a change!’
As always,


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