Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ouch, Mr. Biden! That really hurt!! (Update)

With his recent remarks admonishing portions of the Democratic base, Mr. ‘Good-guy’ Biden really took the wind out of my sail.

However, when the President himself willfully disrespects his own office by insulting segments of his base as he has recently articulated, and when his own Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel and White House spokesperson, Robert Gibbs have echoed the same sentiment calling some of us ‘whiners’, I can no longer consider it poor taste or bad choice of words.

I take it very seriously when members of the Democratic Party tell me how stupid I was voting them into office instead of Republicans, making repeated and concerted efforts from down in the gravel on bended knees begging me please not to do it again, I listen. Boy, do I listen! In my opinion, Democrats are scared shitless they will be voted to remain in power; it’s that ‘too hot in the kitchen’ thing and they are crying, 'Uncle!' My, my! What'a pity.

As always,

Biden To Democratic Base: 'Stop Whining'
He said Democrats can win both races if they draw clear distinctions between themselves and their Republican opponents, and he urged Democrats to "remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This president has done an incredible job. He's kept his promises."
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(Update) A beautiful contrast....
Obama Scapegoats His Own Voters
by Cenk Uygur
There is one other explanation. They think they're going to lose and they're setting up a scapegoat. It wasn't that they ran a bad campaign or that they didn't deliver on their promises - it was their ungrateful voters and the damned professional left. Actually, Washington reporters will love this. There is nothing they enjoy more than beating up on progressive activists and the Democratic base. This strategy is tailored made for the DC elite. They're going to eat it up!

Read more at:


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