Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hammer of left bloggers and pundits beat hell out of nail head!

I was told there is always one inventor, many imitators and one culminator. I always enjoy reading post and diaries of anyone having the skills and writing discipline to culminate a political situation i.e., this diary by buhdyharma.

In my opinion, once you face a situation that has been accurately culminated, you can identify your weaknesses and strong points regarding the issue and proceed to make appropriate adjustments to satisfy your comfort zone. You can do this through research, keeping a watchful eye or by simply waiting for the next culminator like buhdyharma to happen along giving you a little hurdle-help. (Smile)

Kudos to Obama: Learning On The Job
by buhdydharma
Then the appointments of the insiders came. Then the grass roots movement that propelled him into office was essentially shut down. Then the first insider deals and pre-compromises appeared....and the soaring hope began to fade as the rhetoric of Change turned into the worn language and excuses of business as usual.

The sighs and 'I told you so's" of the Left bloggers and pundits were drowned out by the continuing zeal of the large percentage of equally inexperienced and equally naive supporters of Obama who refused to see the signs.
Read more at:

As always,


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