Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sen. Reid puts un-assembled cart before horse

After watching the Rachel Maddow show last night, this is what I understand is due to happen in Congress today:

-The Military Spending Bill is coming up for a vote.

-Sen. Harry Reid wants to have votes on an amendment called *DREAM Act that has yet to be put into the bill and the vote is due this afternoon between 2-3 PM.

-One of the amendments already in the bill, **DADT, has a restriction placed on it until a review is completed in December of this year and one other qualification I did not fully grasp.

I will admit to occasional senior moments and I may have had a few last night watching the Rachel Maddow Show and yes, I will discuss this with my doctor. This has to be fantasy!
As always,

P.S. And to think this is the kind of shenanigans happening in Congress we want Joe Six Pack, Maria and her husband and Pookie and his wife to understand.

* DREAM Act "... would give undocumented young people a path to citizenship by enlisting in the military or attending college..."
** Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
DADT Repeal Vote 'Too Close To Call'; Lady Gaga Hosts Rally In Maine
By Ryan Grim
The concert in Portland is aimed at the three New England Republicans who could break the logjam. "Senator Collins is very much with us on repeal. We think she can be a broker to come up with a resolution that will allow a winning vote tomorrow," Sarvis told HuffPost. Collins, Snowe and Brown have yet to say publicly whether they will block the bill from coming to the floor. A top Senate Democratic aide said that Sen. George LeMieux (R-Fla.) was still a possible pickup for Democrats. [UPDATE - 4:45 p.m.: Scroll down for a statement from Snowe.]
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