Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just shut up N….. and vote!

We don’t need your ass for anything else. Nothing! We don’t need your Black sports superstars, we don’t need your Black entertainers or your Black nothing! What more do we have to do to show you that? Just get your ass to the polls and vote for Democrats. And You better not try to get cute on me and vote for a Republican. I dare you!

We Blacks vote for whites who get all the benefits. They get the best advantages in the judicial system, in the general job markets, in the media and in any situation you can name. It is the Black vote that makes it possible and we know it.
- You know, I didn’t expect miracles or nothing from the Obama administration.

- Neither did I.

- But I did expect something for my vote since everybody know they need it to win.

- I think they call it, ‘Quid pro quo’ or something like that.

- I call it, ‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours!’

- Since Obama, how many Black people have you heard them ask if they were going to run for President?

- Good point. Mighty good point! Now that would certainly get my attention. If they would do that....Oh, man!! Seems like every other voice we have is shouted down big-time. Hold on a second ’til I set the alarm and lock the door. Nice sermon today, wasn’t it?

President Obama will have 4 big rallies in swing states!
by jovie131
In another attempt to rally his base, President Obama will hold not one but 4 rallies, giving his supporters an 08 feeling!

Comments: (They surprised me)
Obama is so outstanding at this, and it the (0+ / 0-)
crucial first time black and young voters who show the biggest expected participation drop-offs.
This should be highly effective, and I hope he adds as many as is possible. Another 10, at least. The means is the ends in the process of becoming. - Mahatma Gandhi
by HoundDog on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 06:14:40 PM PDT

Its the base thats killing them (9+ / 0-)
Trust me, If all the democrats get off their asses and vote we will sweep some of these races, but the problem is the enthusiasm gap is so wide that its causing normal easy races hard to gage or predict. The key is GETTING THESE PROGRESSIVES, DEMOCRATS, GAYS, HISPANICS, MUSLIMS, ASIANS, YOUNG PEOPLE TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND VOTE!!

Bill Clinton needs rally's in the south (12+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
MrSandman, blueyedace2, bigred39, HoundDog, beltane, amk for obama, Hill Jill, sabo33, dle2GA, JL, LaurenMonica, flhiii88
It is going to take all hands on deck to get it thru these apathetic progressives, minorities especially blacks and hispanics to get off their collective asses and vote. Michelle OBama and Joe Biden need to have their own rally's too. All 4 of them could rally the base I just hope the DNC and the rest of the democratic establishment push this idea.
Bill Clinton is POTENT and is respected and he could be a real asset for the democrats if we use him right.
by lanae on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 03:58:05 PM PDT
by lanae on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 04:00:35 PM PDT
Read more at:!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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