Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stopping the war via the filibuster

An epiphany from my trusty ol’ Hiney Shiney….

The Republicans want to stop funding for the Iraq situation and the Afghanistan war. They want to bring them to a close but do so with a slight-of-hand. They do not want to be overt in biting the hand that feeds them.

They feel by constantly pestering the Democrats by insisting on knowing the source of funding for every bill involving money, eventually the Democrats will have to start cutting back on domestic social programs and for the Republicans, that would be touché! Political heaven, if you will! The Democrats would be tightly wedged between the preverbal rock and hard place.

Republicans know, more than any other party, finding money to maintain the infrastructure of America is finite as follows:
“The Afghan war will cost $105 billion this fiscal year, more than double what it cost when Obama took over, and almost twice what we’re spending on Iraq. Most allies aren’t interested in being part of any long-term plans. The Dutch have withdrawn their soldiers; Canada and Poland have expressed intentions to do likewise. The largest non-U.S. contingent is the almost 10,000 British troops, and new Prime Minister David Cameron has suggested he’d like to pull most of them out in the not-too- distant future. ...
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. A teachable moment: Last night Rachel Maddow exposed politicians who say they want to add amendments to the U.S. Constitution. She said they were, (my words) charlatans, sellers of snake oil, phonies. Her words were a wee bit nicer. (Smile)


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