Thursday, June 07, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker and manumission

I feel there could be  legendary if not historical relationships that could be made between Gov. Scott Walker and Pres.  Abraham Lincoln.

First and foremost, both are sons of the Republican Party and both of them felt a person should be paid in full for his labor. Both of them signed into law documents halting involuntary servitude and other questionable American institutions came tumbling down. In the case of Gov. Walker, it could well be the Democratic Party and its influences as we know it.

It is my opinion, Gov. Walker would not be the man he has become if it were not for Democrats in Wisconsin having a “hissy fit” and walking out of the congressional chambers at one of the most  critical points  in the states’ history.  Non-stop news accounts were explosive and it was reported more than a few of the disgruntled congressional members  went into hiding to keep from doing what they were paid to do. It was a major embarrassment to anyone believing in democracy and especially if they had to fight and die for it.  Historians will tell the story much better than my feeble attempts.

-Mr. Harris, I like the job here and all but you should see my paycheck. It is hard to make ends meet.

-Listen here, young man, you should have seen our  paychecks when the union was taking dues out. And many of us had families. And all you got is yourself.
  Count your blessings, Mister. 

As always,


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