Saturday, September 03, 2011


Kudos to diarist *Vyan for publishing Black Perspectives on Speech-Gate on the Dkos website.

Writing about Black racism takes a ton of mainstream and non-mainstream memory, the patience of a saint and the determination of a prize fighter. To say it is an enormous task is a gross understatement. In my opinion, it is a Herculean one everytime a Black person takes pen to paper recording Black racism as he sees it. The subject is a quagmire with every word you record having the potential of becoming the Achilles Heel of your writing.

Unquestionably the election of Pres. Obama has, in many cases, brought Black racism out of the closet. The rating agency Standard and Poor’s has seen the results of Black racism and re-acted to it putting America on a wake-up call of which I have no choice but to remain optimistic.

Here we have a President, a well educated and articulate Black man in a position no one will support. The historical reasons are fears of whites being labeled “Nigger lover” and others, as in the case of White House correspondent Helen Thomas, the nebulous label of “Anti-Semitic”. I don’t see VP Biden or Hillary Clinton going to bat for the President nor do I see Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. There is a reason and I re-interate, it is called fear.

Everyone on a work site who supports his Black colleague is suspect, and talks regarding promotions of any nature are analogous to professional suicide. There are those who tried to support the President and suffered dire consequences. This may account for the fact Blacks have not be leaders of large unions, barons on Wall Street or founders or, until recently, CEOs of mega corporations.

There have been so many Blacks treated like our President:
In recent years, there was Dr. Martin Luther (Obama) King; Medgar (Obama) Evers. There is presently Rev. Lewis (Obama) Farrakhan and Rev. Al (Obama) Sharpton and most recently, Michael (Obama) Steele.

The bottom line is America has deliberately destroyed and continues to destroy so many great Black minds. Sad.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Black Perspectives on Speech-Gate

by Vyan
So, it's fair to say what they're doing to Obama isn't new, they would pretty much do it to any Democratic President but then again - the African-American Community has also been through this type of thing for the last few decades and they recognize it for what it is.
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