Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If I were running for President of the U.S.A.

I would form a company by getting all my ducks in a row. Every news conference would be a production par excellence.

I would let voters know I have like minded highly qualified friends ready to help me run the government. So when a member of the press would ask me about arresting the Banksters and war mongers from the Bush and Obama administration, I would refer them to whomever I have chosen to be my Attorney General. The same process would be used when I am asked about jobs, taxes, home foreclosures etc.,

My slogan would be from the title of the Michael Jackson song, “We are the world!”

I would have as many members of my company accompany me to as many news conferences, town hall meetings and fund raisers as possible.

I was very impressed when “W” announced early in his campaign that Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell would be in his cabinet. I would try with all my heart and soul to avoid springing a surprise on voters by doing what Pres. Obama did by hiring Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel without giving us some advance notices during his campaign.
If I were a voter, running such a Presidential campaign would surely get my attention as it did with “W”.

And if I lose the election, it would not be due to the fact my company and I were not ready for prime time. Going this route would take a lot of planning and discipline but hey, voters want to know what makes me tick, really tick and that I’m serious about running this country as President BB!

As always,
P.S. Now if reporters doesn't ask me about my college transcript and my “C” in gym and my “C” in World History and my “D” in Shakespeare, I’ll be alright. And if they do, standing proud and thumbing my chest, I would tell them I am a politician and not some lousy writer from the Harvard Law Review and surely (cough) they can notice the physical difference.


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