Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A thought or two

I am mindful Queen Elisabeth of England came here to America within weeks of BP Oil being sanctioned to pay 20 billion dollars for the Gulf Oil Spill. In my opinion, Briton wants to keep oil prices high to get back at America and help them pay off the 20 billion dollars sanctions. Everybody makes money on a war. Could this be the reason they have sent ten(?) military advisers to Libya to train anti-Gadaffi rebels thereby prolonging the agitation?

Libya: Abdul Ati al-Obeidi warns UK plan may worsen war

A UK military presence in rebel-held Benghazi would "prolong" fighting, Abdul Ati al-Obeidi told the BBC.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the move complied with a UN resolution to protect civilians in Libya, which forbids foreign occupation forces.
Read more at:
On a talk show last Sunday, David Axelrod said he thinks people seek the office of the U.S. Presidency for one of two reasons: to make a difference or to make a name for themselves. I have heard comparisons between Donald Trumps’ current running for the Presidency to that of Rev. Al Sharptons’ run in ‘08. Rev. Jesse Jackson, running in 1984, said he wanted to show Blacks the process of running for President.
Donald Trump is the Republicans’ Al Sharpton clown.

I believe Rev. Sharpton ran in 08’ to make a difference. He told us that right from the beginning. He told us his only purpose was getting some issues out on the table. Rev. Jackson, running in 1984, said he wanted to show Blacks the process of running for President.

As always,


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