Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On trying to use my head as a garbage can

It was not long ago. At least, not to me. It was in the 40s’ when the mailman delivered twice a day, telephones had only an exchange and four digits, Mary Jane candies were two for a penny and there was a garbage collection day and a trash day.

Garbage day was once a week when the garbage truck came down the alleys in your neighborhood collecting garbage you had dumped into the short metal container to be taken to the garbage dump with good riddance and deep sighs of relief. You were slave to this ritual due to the fact garbage disposals were not yet invented.

Old habits are hard to break and conventional wisdom says, “You kain’t teach ol’ dogs new tricks!”

And so it is, I refuse to allow the media to use my head as a garbage can. In my own way, I appropriately throw its garbage into my garbage reciprocal to be disposed of during my morning diurnal duties. In other words, I toss the information into my shit bin. What choice do I have?

I therefore neither read nor listen to anything regarding Sara Palin. I neither read nor listen to anything regarding Glenn Beck nor the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Low level everyday household garbage including ‘..everything is racial’ is a constant and as of today, there is the presidential aspirations of one Donald Trump trying to find a place in my head to stink up the joint. Media is trying to slip him into my head as non-garbage. Oy ve! I am mindful of that poem or something about being a rose by any other name…

As always,


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