Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Is winning having the biggest check in your boxing glove?

And so it is, greedy bandits hiding behind draperies in the Oval Office see a chance to make a financial killing during this re-election cycle of Pres. Obama.

Killer Obama, aka Pres. Obama, will of course comply with their wishes for reasons either beyond his control or for personal reasons those who love him and wish him well will be left to decipher by and by.

Today, they have begun parading Killer Obama around the ring amidst cheering crowds and blaring patriotic songs from the um-pah band. There are guest singers, high school and college cheerleader groups making appearances. The atmosphere is cheerful and festive. Everybody is up-beat with no reports of mal-contents at this time. You can walk up to any group, no matter how small, and place a bet for the big event.

The big ‘Come-on’ for placing your bets will come from the mystery of not knowing the opponent of Killer Obama. There will be a ring master, media outlets and pundits with megaphones chanting: “Who will come into the ring with the un-beatable, the un-stoppable, the one and only…….Killer Obama?

Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachman have, at intervals, been spotted leaving their front row seats to begin circling the ring waving to the cameras. The audience erupts! Every once in a while, they are seen calling out to Sarah Palin to come join them. There are loud, intrepid pro-Palin chants.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Billion-dollar Obama to run moneyed campaign
By Patricia Zengerle
Could raise $1 billion
Obama amassed a record $750 million as he surged to victory in 2008. His 2012 campaign total is expected to hit $1 billion or more, even without a major Democratic primary opponent or the emergence of a strong Republican contender.
"It's definitely within reach, as he raised three quarters of a billion last time. As the incumbent president it's quite plausible to imagine him raising $1 billion," said CFI Executive Director Michael Malbin.

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The Obama campaign says it plans to raise $1 billion for his reelection campaign. That is not a typo -- that's billion, with a "b." Is this extreme, considering Obama will not even face a primary challenge? CNN's David Gergen and Gloria Borger discuss:
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