Friday, April 08, 2011

All talk about behavior, not the problem

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is on TV reporting on the meeting held last night regarding the 2011 budget and a possible government shut-down at mid-night tonight.

Sen. Schumers’ dialog followed the same template: Spend most of the time demonizing Republicans and skirt around explaining what the problem is, even if you know what it is. The more the vagueness, the better, even if you know what you are talking about.

A new word has been thrown into the mix: Policy riders. There is no explanation of the word nor how to deal with a ‘Policy rider’. Is it another word for 'Amendment?' What's the difference? In my opinion, Sen. Schumers’ efforts to inform the public on the status of the budget talks was akin to trying to tell a five year old where babies come from.

Maybe one day Democrats will learn how to frame a message and talk to the public. (Yawn)
As always,

Some Republican ‘riders’ could be deal-breakers for Democrats

By Sandhya Somashekhar, Thursday, April 7, 7:32 PM
The impasse that threatens to lead to a government shutdown is not simply about the federal budget. Some of the sticking points relate to policy and have been attached to the budget as “riders.” On Thursday, a few GOP policy proposals emerged as possible deal-breakers for Democrats, as leaders sought to reach an agreement that would keep Washington operating:
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