Monday, February 28, 2011

“…now hush, little baby, don’t you cry.” (Update)

There is talk saying rioting, social unrest and demonstrations often occur during the warmer months. Try Summertime. I heard an announcer say that people don’t demonstrate in December.

So it is with demonstrations come concessions. In news bits coming from Mid-Eastern Africa, I am hearing of concessions by governments being made to protesters.

Were I a reporter, concessions made thus far by some governments to appease protesters would peak my interest.

For example, I heard the Libyan government has put extra money into all depositors' accounts. I heard one country has made permanent all of its temporary government workers. I heard of massive pay raises.

Additionally, I would report on the bonanza of jobs available now that most foreign workers have left their various countries. Pres. Gadaffi in particular could say, "Look Ya'll! See how clever I am?"

-(Voice 1) He did all this to help us?
-(Voice 2) He is truly a great man. (Sniff)
-Now we can all have jobs in our own country. He may even start training programs for us.
-We don’t need those foreigners.
-God bless Muammar Gadaffi! (Salute)

As I said, the information has been sporadic and not presented in an easily comprehensible and journalistic format.

Ah, were I a reporter. (Sigh)

As always,

WikiLeaks: Saudi Royal Welfare Program Revealed
LONDON (Reuters)
Finally, royals kept the money flowing by sponsoring the residence permits of foreign workers and then requiring them to pay a monthly "fee" of between $30 and $150. "It is common for a prince to sponsor a hundred or more foreigners," the 1996 cable says.

Besides the huge monthly stipends that every Saudi royal receives, the cables detail various money-making schemes some royals have used to finance their lavish lifestyles over the years. Among them: siphoning off money from "off-budget" programs controlled by senior princes, sponsoring expatriate workers who then pay a small monthly fee to their royal patron and, simply, "borrowing from the banks, and not paying them back."
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