Thursday, March 03, 2011

Jane, it’s that “colored” thing again. (Yawn)

I have never been convinced everything in America is not racial. There is nothing I have experienced in my 74 years as a Black male convincing me otherwise.

There is no need for me to go into voluminous cases of Black/White American relationships and laws. Suffice it to say this wonderful, awesome diary by mooremusings in relations to what is happening in Wisconsin exposes the prototype of major bills enacted in America designed to keep Blacks the permanent underclass.

In my opinion, Blacks have miraculously achieved a lot of advantages on par with whites so whites have to suffer the same fate as Blacks. One must bear in mind the Oligarchy wants Blacks to remain a permanent underclass. In other words, “Fuck both of you! In spite of me, those niggers have achieved something!”

Unless laws abolishing collective bargaining (employer talking with trade unions) as is the case in Wisconsin, is as clear as the law enacted for sentencing Crack and Power Cocaine users, we are going to have white folks fighting for their share of the American dream and I wish them well. They are now tied to the hip with us, uh, coloreds due to the fact we too have worked hard through out the centuries and they can no way in hell, at this juncture, dump us. Many of them may want to do so but I repeat, many of us Blacks are now on par with many of them.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

American racism and the break down of the social safety net
by mooremusings
America's slow motion train wreck has been in the making ever since the ink dried on the Declaration of Independence. The seeds of inequality were sown upon this country's very foundation, and now threaten to destroy the social contract thousands died fighting for in the labor movement. Slavery was the first institution of inequality embedded in the new American nation. The Founders owned slaves, and the Constitution initially designated African-Americans as 3/5 of a person. Slavery - and later, Jim Crow - perpetuated a racial caste system. This free black labor kept many poor whites out of work. To keep poor whites from turning against them, wealthy, white landowners dangled the carrot of white privilege -- letting poor whites have many more rights than blacks (but still keeping them socially inferior to the elite). Thus, an uneducated and impoverished white farmer from Appalachia occupied a higher social rung than an educated, free black merchant who owned land.

Meanwhile, working class white Democrats - upset over having to suddenly share America's wealth with "coloreds!" - bolted to the Republican Party.
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