Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The ghost of DADT

“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” was repealed (To revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act) on Dec. 18, 2010.

Homosexuality, in any form, is one of MSM’s cash cow. Media can always get the publics’ dandruff up via a story on homosexuality. Up to this point, the 1965 Civil Rights Bill was number one in keeping our society polarized but I am beginning to see signs of DADT being used in the same manner and for the same reason: Polarization, aka News.

DADT will turn out to be another cottage industry wherein ‘experts’ will periodically write their usual poison pen articles, write their usual posts and books under various pseudonyms making a good living doing it. They will be invited to appear on various televisions shows and to certain conferences yielding their ‘expert’ opinions on DADT, springing into action responses from their nemesis and the news cycle would continue until the well calculated next time.

(I note a recent CNN attempt to re-start the Tiger Woods saga with host T.J. Holmes and I am looking forward to one on Newt Gingrich.)

One of the ardent fighters for repealing DADT was one Dan Choi, an ex-serviceman discharged due to his public confessions of being gay. It is unfortunate Mr. Choi is now hospitalized for stress related issues. It is equally unfortunate Mr. Choi does not have enough people in the Asian community helping him navigate this ordeal like a Rachel Maddow or a Julian Assange would have when society begins to close in on them. The communities of Rachel and Julian would include people with prestige, are influential and rich. I am mindful Michael Jackson was also in that kind of protective society. I wish Mr. Choi well.

As always,


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