Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sen. Mitch McConnell explains the “No” votes

Appearing on “State of the Union” this morning, Senate minority leader McConnell told hostess Cindy Crowley why Republicans did not vote for the recent spending bill to fund the government into next year.

Mr. McConnell told Ms. Crowley that Republicans were unified and ready to vote for the bill until ‘things’ started being added to it at the last moments just before voting time.

I am mindful that everytime the Republicans would change their votes from Yea to Nay, they would say it was due to the procedure of presenting the bill. Is this what they were talking about? Is this what has been happening all along?

Could it be that Democrats have always added additional elements to a bill at the last moment with the hope Republicans do not notice or object to them? Were outcomes predictable? This is mighty, mighty curious! Where are the investigative reporters when you need them?

The analogy of Lucy and the football comes to mind: What would Lucy learn or realize about the situation at the last moments to make her change her mind about holding the football for Charlie Brown?

As always,
P.S. Note: About 10 years ago, over 75% of reporters identified themselves as Democrats. (Smile) And I note DADT was a stand along bill that passed with no sweat. I am also mindful of the President brokering a one issue deal with the Republicans regarding the Bush Tax Cut bill. It also passed with no room for sweat.(The problem is Reid and Pelosi, Ya’ll!)


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