Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TeaBaggers poised to take Congress back from Blacks

I clearly remember the numerous cries from people saying the TeaBaggers want to take their country back from Blacks. With every sign the media published, they concluded the letter ‘n’ in each and every word on the poster was a coded word meaning ‘nigger’.
“So you see” they would conclude, “this is proof the TeaBaggers are saying they want to take their country back from Blacks”. It was beginning to appear out of thin air and by calculated design the media would produce Black racism.

TeaBaggers struggled for their identity telling the media that it was ‘libruls’ carrying the offensive posters as they continued rejecting putting their weight behind candidates who were CINO‘s (Christian in name only).

And addressing the offensive poster issues, I was suspicious as to why the photographers or reporters would not identify persons carrying offensive (racist) posters they were so eager to publish. There were very few of those people identified. That was highly unusual behavior for the media but enough proof for me to conclude there was a fly in the milk somewhere. It just did not make sense. However, I do recall a few people from town hall meetings being identified but that was for asking questions of candidates and not from carrying offensive posters. Some of them were interviewed on talk shows.

Who was the poster carrying the sign of Pres. Obama with a bone in his nose or the various posters with the 'Obama is Hitler' signs? Could they have been the ‘libruls’ TeaBaggers claim they were?

So it is we are rapidly approaching mid-term elections for Congress with TeaBaggers not opposing candidates or sitting congress persons who are Black from what I can see. I heard there are at least 12-15 Black political candidates around the country who have the support of TeaBaggers. I thought it was us Blacks they wanted to take the country back from? What tuh hell is going on?

Let me see if I have this straight; according to the media, TeaBaggers want to take their country back from Blacks but from what I can see, TeaBaggers are upsetting and seeking to unseat white members of Congress.

I am beginning to feel there is a need to have my doctor check my medications. This is too curious for me to handle.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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