Monday, October 04, 2010

Larry Kudlow and (gasp) Andrew Shirvell?

Andrew Shirvell is the Assistant Attorney General in Michigan whom many suspect has kooky feelings regarding a young gay college student named Chris Armstrong.

Fast forward……
This is what CNBC Larry Kudlow wrote regarding two old friends giving each other a good-bye hug:
Am I the only one who saw weakness when President Obama and his departing chief of staff Rahm Emanuel gave each other big, fat, full-bore hug following their speeches at the resignation event in the White House’s East Room on Friday?
Read more from diarist LaurentMonica and see the hug in question at:

If Mr. Kudlow is sincere regarding his feelings, he may want to check himself and closely watch the case unfolding with Andrew Shirvell. In my opinion, Mr. Kudlows’ thoughts are both garbled and interesting but far too personal to be flaunted in the public domain. I hope the poor man is able to pull himself together. (Lord, what is this world coming to?)

As always,


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