Friday, July 23, 2010

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, wherefore art thou?

This is the kind’a crap that fills up my windbag!

The President is going to let arguments naming the person heading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau go to critical mass and then do something stupid and that is whenever Rahm gets around to telling him what to do after he (Rahm) has gotten his kicks listening to the various arguments. Does every single aria have to have an overture?

It is the repetitive usage of this tactic that pisses off many of the Presidents' supporters! At this point in time, how could he himself be indecisive as to who he wants to run the bureau? Why does he let these kind of issues fester?
As always,

Barney Frank: Elizabeth Warren Should Head CFPB, By Recess Appointment If Necessary
If President Obama fears Elizabeth Warren won't be confirmed by the Senate to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, he should just appoint her while the Senate is on one of its many vacations, House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank said Friday.

"Given the way [the Senate has] misused the filibuster... given it's anti-Democratic, I think the President did exactly the right thing with Donald Berwick," the 15-term Massachusetts Congressman added, referring to an earlier Obama recess appointment to head the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services.
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