Tuesday, July 13, 2010

LeBron James and poster Tim Withers

I can savor the satisfaction of Tim Withers while picking
this picture of LeBron James to compliment his recent posting on Huffington Post.

Mr. Withers is one of many posters at Huffington Post
having to confront the daunting task of picking just the
right picture of Blacks to accompany their stories.

For them, it has to be a laborious task looking through stacks
of pictures choosing just the right one that would yield
Brownie points and bring a smile to the face of their boss,
Arianna. In my opinion, this practice has gone on far to
long for her to not have noticed.

Dan Gilbert: LeBron James Letter Had
Nothing To Do With Slavery

"Shortly after James' announcement, Gilbert fired off an incendiary letter to Cavs fans, vilifying the 25-year-old and calling his decision to bolt Cleveland as "narcissistic" and "cowardly behavior." He also guaranteed his team would win an NBA title "BEFORE THE SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE."

Gilbert is attending the owners' meetings in Las Vegas, where Stern fined him $100,000
for the "inappropriate" comments about James.

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the
unborn for the help,


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