Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racism, a myth! Anti-Semitism, fact!

‘Tis true when Blacks, who should know what they are
talking about cry “Racism!”, everybody and their Mama
want to take us to the woodshed telling us how crazy we are
with great emphasis on having generational delusions.

With the Jewish community, who also should know what
they are talking about when they cry “Anti-Semitism!”, it is
acknowledge as Gods’ spoken word.

In that context, it appears Rev. Jesse Jackson doesn’t know
what he is talking about but Abraham Foxman is always on

We Blacks do not argue with the Jewish community over
their generational anti-Semitism labels. We continue as the
tree, tending to the business of growing and minding our
own business.

As always,

Jesse: LeBron James Was Treated Like a 'Runaway Slave'
By Larry Elder
In post-Obama-election America, Jackson and Al Sharpton (the Robin to Jackson's
Batman) struggle with a declining market share. They are rabble-rousers in search of
rabble to rouse, race-card players in need of race cards when anti-black racism has
become an inconsequential matter. With their dark view of "race relations" in "White
America," they never saw Obama coming. They lacked the awareness to see that America
had changed and that Obama's election was possible.

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