Friday, September 23, 2011

Why can’t they just tell us, “Mary had a little lamb?”

I have concluded many politicians, political pundits and members of the press simply do not know what they are talking about.

They have become experts at dishing out BS by the shovels-full. It’s amazing how much they get paid to do so and how many of’em there are; they are like dog shit, that is, they are everywhere.

At the present time, I am trying to understand the voting today that may prompt another government shut-down. I am trying to find out why we are now at this precipice and until I hear - or read- that “Mary had a little lamb,” I feel I can not make up my own mind as to who is at fault with all the associated political crap!

Typical of what the BS’er write are long sentences froth with words not directly associated with the subject matter and with pitiful efforts to blame one party or the other for whatever reason therefore ending up with articles so ill-written and worthless, their own garbage cans would be embarrassed to be associated with them.
As always,
P.S. I know this problem is ages old and the typical complaints are, “Why can’t you speak in plain English?”


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