Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Un-employment lines in Libya?

I amused myself last evening wondering if high ranking officials who denounced Mr. Gadaffi were still on the governmental payroll. If not, I pondered how their mortgage payments and car notes were being paid and by whom? And then I stumbled upon this information:
Who Are the Rebels?
I'm listening to Chris Matthews interviewing NBC's great war correspondent Richard Engel.

I think I heard Engel say that one of the highest ranking generals who'd defected had taken the day off today.
Read more at:

It appears Mr. Engel wanted to interview the good general. You know, kind’a like wanting to tell his side of the story? I have the sneaking suspicion this 'highest ranking general' had taken the day off to go sign up for his un-employment benefits. Mr. Engle would do well to try for an interview tomorrow. I hope so. I’m curious.
As always,
P.S. I am also waiting for the interviews of the two jet pilots who survived their plane crash. Surely they will be honored at the White House by a greatly relieved President.


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