Monday, March 07, 2011

Al Jazeera, like reading a good book on humanity

Yesterday, my son-in-law and I watched Al Jazeera for little over an hour. It was his first time seeing Al Jazeera. I have never before heard him so quiet. Comatose! I‘ve known him for nineteen years. He is now forty years old.

I told him I was mindful how so many years ago my son and I were just as ‘awe struck’ with the introduction and rapid advances of the internet. He said he understood the relationship I was making. I told him a lot of my TV viewing time is now spent watching Al Jazeera. Again, he said he understood.

Most of all and what dominated the conversation after watching Al Jazeera was our agreement we had not been subjected to propaganda. That is important to us. We both agreed we were not seduced to hate someone or something which is of equal importance to us.

During the time we were watching, the speech of host commentator, journalist and translators was impeccable. And finally, we agreed we had just witnessed good journalism and the most up to date usage of modern technology. Metaphorically, one can say we drank a toast or two to Al Jazeera.

My son-in law writes rap songs and he is THE man amongst his friends. He is the more politically astute and they listen to him. I can only reckon why he left my house so abruptly.

He did promise to come back in the morning to take me to Lowes to get a light bulb for my porch light and to get fertilizer for my pale, stressful looking rhododendrons. I have two of them in my front yard on either sides of the steps.

As always,
P.S. Tomorrow, I’m going to tell my son-in-law why in utter disgust I threw away Howard Zinn’s book, ‘A peoples history of the United States’ due to the fact Zinn did not even mention the name of the Black security guard working at Watergate who was instrumental in toppling the Nixon administration and neither did Woodward in his book on Watergate. I am going to poise the question were it not for Frank Wills, who knows the political climate of today.


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