Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Wikileaks and David, with five rocks

If Sir Isaac Newton was right, “Every action has a re-action of opposite and equal force,” where can we find the oppositional force to what is happening to Julian Assange? Where can we look? To whom or what can we turn?

What is happening to Mr. Assange is a new phenomenon to us. Has he met a 21 c. Goliath that only he, like biblical David, can slay as we villagers helplessly witness in un-believable horror? This situation is beginning to get eerie, if not downright diabolic! If ever there were a time to put on our ‘thinking caps’, it is now. To hell with all else.

The Arrest of Julian Assange
Truth in Chains
Tell a truth that discomforts power, that challenges its domination over our lives, our discourse, our very thoughts, and you will be destroyed. No institution, public or private, will stand with you; the most powerful entities, public and private, will be arrayed against you, backed up by overwhelming violent force. This is where we are now. This is what we are now.
Read more at:

As always,


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