Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Airport security checks are here to stay

In my opinion, there are enough legal presidence regarding invasive searches of Black for a judge to laugh any and all attempts of anyone else wanting exceptions.

“First they had invasive searches of the Blacks and I did nothing, then they came for me….”

A member of the American oligarchy is making far to much money from the searching of airline travelers to allow a mere commoner to come in disrupting his money flow. It ain’t gonna happen. If you think the public is going to win on this one, let’s you and I sit down and talk about you purchasing this bridge in Brooklyn I hear so much talk about.

Next, there may already be plans for intrusive searching at bus and train stations and the money for doing so will be added to the price of the tickets. If not, some vendors may get very entrepreneurial asking you to pay your $5.95 cash and up-front before the search proclaiming it to be, with copious media support, “A badge of honor” or “Your patriotic duty to help protect the country from terrorist.” Just you wait! After all, we are talking about a capitalist society, right?

- Mom, I know my last class ended today, but I can’t come home. (Boo-hoo)

- Why? I sent you the bus fare. Didn’t you get it?

- Yes, but they say I need $5.95 to pay for the body search and I don’t have it and they said if I have to go to the second body search, it would be $25.00. Oh, Mom…(Boo-hoo)
can you come get me?

As always,

TSA uproar moves to the Hill

Napolitano: TSA may see 'changes'


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