Thursday, September 09, 2010

From Rahm Emanuel to Anthony Weiner and that other guy

My wish list for White House Chief of Staff…
In my opinion, *Rep. Weiner, like Vice Pres. Biden, is as faithful and dependable as an ol’ yard dog. True he is not of the Presidents’ temperament but I think he shares the Presidents’ love of the democratic process and for the Democratic Party. As White House Chief of Staff, he would do the President proud or die trying. They do not come more patriotic than Rep. Anthony Weiner.

‘That other guy’ is on Vice Pres. Bidens’ team and I can not find his name on Google. I speak of the guy who I see speaking for VP Biden on news interviews. I have not seen him on Sunday talk shows. He is very charismatic, very low key, presents well, speaks well and can add up a ‘two plus two’ situation quicker than a Jack Rabbit can jump into his rabbit hole. I had students like him and they are as smart as hell!

‘That other guy’ is a smart one and I personally feel, with his political potentials, we would be only seeing the tip of the iceberg were he to become the White House Chief of Staff. I hope Pres. Obama doesn’t mess up again putting his credibility in the hands of yet another jerk! The President must learn to trust his own instincts.

I say ‘No!’ to the appointment of Valerie Jarrett for that position. Due to the fact a female counterpart to Anthony Weiner and ‘that other guy’ would have to be a b---- and Ms. Jarrett is not, never has been nor will she ever be a b----! Not even if she lives to be a hundred.

Yesterday, someone on a talk show mentioned the name Ed Rendell for the position. The only vibes I get from Mr. Rendell is ‘Establishment’.
As always,



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